Last updated on 5-5-2023 by Inge Roukaerts
- Qualitative (negative, equivocal, positive)
- In case of equivocal, a follow-up sample will be requested.
- This test is not accredited.
Purpose of the test
Detection of IgG antibodies directed against Mumps virus in saliva by ELISA.
Criteria for conducting this test under the reference activities
- Diagnosis of a case with clinical indications.
- Confirmation
Unacceptable demands
- No epidemiologic or clinical indications of Mumps infection or outbreak.
- Epidemiological link to outbreak or cluster for which Mumps infection has already been confirmed for at least 5 cases.
Instructions for samples
- Type : Saliva (via Oracol® collection devise, can be ordered from the NRC via
- Sample collection : at least 7 days after symptom onset
- Storage conditions : Store samples at 4°C before shipment.
- Minimum volume : 0.5 ml
Instructions for transportation
Ship in a triple-wrapped package at room temperature.
Turn around time
4 business days
Communication of test results
The result can be communicated via mail, fax, email and eHealth.
Service in charge of the analysis
Contact person(s)
Inge Roukaerts, PhDScientist
Contact email
Analysis categories