Training in microbiological problems of the indoor environment

Last updated on 12-3-2024 by Berdieke Goemaere

Who is this training for?

Our training course is designed for professionals who want to expand their knowledge of the microbiological contamination of the indoor environment and to learn more about the management of a microbiological study. This training also offers the opportunity to learn how to handle the equipment used to take samples. You will then be able to take the necessary measurements in the field independently and interpret the results of those measurements.

What training do we offer?

Every year, a theoretical-practical training course is organised, consisting of several modules:

  1. Theory of the most common fungi in the indoor environment (classification, phylogeny, morphology) including a practical part in the lab.
  2. Exposure to environmental pollutants and their health effects, with emphasis on moulds. Physicochemical parameters and different types of culture mediums. “Green ambulances”. Sampling: measuring equipment including a practical section to carry out your own sampling.
  3. Analysis of samples and interpretation of results after measurements including a practical section in the lab. Sampling: preparation and execution of a microbiological examination. Advice on resolving (problematic) results and remediation.

How to register for the training?

The number of participants for the training is limited. The training consists of three modules. It takes place at Sciensano’s Ixelles site (Rue Juliette Wytsman 14), and is offered in French (April 22, 24 and 30 2024) and in Dutch (September 9, 11 and 17 2024) from 9.30 am to 16.30 pm.

For more information and to register, please contact the indoorpol team.

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