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Occurrence of (Suspected) Genotoxic Flavourings in Belgian Alcohol-Free Beers, Dusart, Alexandre , 16th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, , May 6, 2021, (2021)
Optimization and validation of an analytical method for the quantification of short- and medium-chained chlorinated paraffins in food by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, McGrath, Thomas J., Poma Giulia, Bombeke Jasper, Limonier Franck, Van Hoeck Els, Joly Laure, and Covaci Adrian , Food Control, Jan-01-2021, Volume 119, (2021)
Organisation of Multi-Mycotoxin Proficiency Tests: Evaluation of the Performances of the Laboratories Using the Triple A Rating Approach, Tangni, Emmanuel, Huybrechts Bart, Masquelier Julien, and Van Hoeck Els , Toxins, Jan-09-2021, Volume 13, Issue 9, (2021)
Paraben levels in placenta in relation to weight and head circumference at birth in Belgium: an ENVIRONAGE birth cohort study, Van Overmeire, Ilse, Vrijens K., De Cremer Koen, Neven K.Y., Carollo R.M., Van Loco Joris, Nawrot T.S., and Vleminckx Christiane , International Conference on Food Contaminants 2021, 4th edition Challenges on early –life exposure, sept 2021, (2021)
Pesticide regulations and cardiotoxicity, Castelain, Philippe , 2021, (2021)
Pesticide residues in vegetables and perception of risk for consumers, Toumi, K., Joly Laure, Soudani N., Abbes A., Schiffers B., and Glida H. , 72nd International symposium on crop protection, 2021, (2021)
Pesticides transfer from tea leaves to tea brew: identification of critical infusion parameters and database creation , Szternfeld, Philippe, Demoury Claire, Van Leeuw Virginie, Michelet J-Y., Scholz F., Van Hoeck Els, and Joly Laure , EURLs pesticides - joint workshop 2021, 22/09/2021, Videoconference - Almeria, (2021)
Production of Alternaria Toxins in Yellow Peach (Amygdalus persica) upon Artificial Inoculation with Alternaria alternate, Meng, Jiajia, Wenbo Guo, Zhihui Zhao, Zhiqi Zhang, Nie Dongxia, Tangni Emmanuel, and Zheng Han , Toxins, Jan-09-2021, Volume 13, Issue 9, (2021)
Residential green space types, allergy symptoms and mental health in a cohort of tree pollen allergy patients, Stas, Michiel, Aerts Raf, Hendrickx Marijke, Dendoncker Nicolas, Dujardin Sébastien, Linard Catherine, Nawrot Tim S., Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Aerts Jean-Marie, Van Orshoven Jos, et al. , Landscape and Urban Planning, Jan-06-2021, Volume 210, (2021)
Residing in urban areas with higher green space is associated with lower mortality risk: A census-based cohort study with ten years of follow-up, Bauwelinck, Mariska, Casas Lidia, Nawrot Tim S., Nemery Benoit, Trabelsi Sonia, Thomas Isabelle, Aerts Raf, Lefebvre Wouter, Vanpoucke Charlotte, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, et al. , Environment International, Jan-03-2021, Volume 148, (2021)
Retrospective survey of unauthorized genetically modified bacteria harbouring antimicrobial resistance genes in feed additive vitamin B2 commercialized in Belgium: Challenges and solutions, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Joly Laure, Vandermassen Els, Delvoye Maud, Van Geel D., Michelet Jean-Yves, Van Hoeck Els, De Jaeger Nathalie, Papazova N., and Roosens Nancy , Food Control, Jan-01-2021, Volume 119, (2021)
Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive, Maged, Younes, Aquilina Gabriele, Castle Laurence, Engel Karl‐Heinz, Fowler Paul, Frutos Fernandez Maria Jose, Fürst Peter, Gundert‐Remy Ursula, Gürtler Rainer, Husøy Trine, et al. , EFSA Journal, Jan-05-2021, Volume 19, Issue 5, (2021)
Short-term exposure to temperature and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a study in nine Belgian cities, 2010-2015, Demoury, Claire, and De Clercq Eva M. , Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, august 2021, (2021)
A Targeted UHPLC-MS/MS Method Validated for the Quantification of Ergot Alkaloids in Cereal-Based Baby Food from the Belgian Market, Huybrechts, Bart, Malysheva Svetlana V., and Masquelier Julien , Toxins, Jul-29-2021, Volume 13, Issue 8, (2021)
Update of the risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs) in food, Schrenk, Dieter, Bignami Margherita, Bodin Laurent, Chipman James Kevin, del Mazo Jesús, Grasl‐Kraupp Bettina, Hogstrand Christer, Hoogenboom Laurentius, Leblanc Jean‐Charles, Nebbia Carlo Stefano, et al. , EFSA Journal, Jan-03-2021, Volume 19, Issue 3, (2021)
Update on the Risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in food, Vleminckx, Christiane , 14th Iternational Akademie Fresenius Conference “Conatminants and Residues in Food”, 2021, (2021)
Acrylamide in other foods_Determination of acrylamide levels in some food categories and estimation of the exposure for the Belgian population, Szternfeld, Philippe, Van Leeuw Virginie, and Andjelkovic Mirjana , 25 august 2020, Elsene, Belgium, p.99, (2020)
Acrylamidegehaltes onder de loep onderzoek naar ongewenste stof in levensmiddelen, Szternfeld, Philippe , VMT FOOD, nov 2020, Volume 11, Number 24, (2020)
Allergenic potential of urban green spaces and changes across scenarios: a case-study in Brussels, Belgium, Aerts, Raf , 7th ESA – European Symposium on Aerobiology. “Bioaerosols and Environmental Impacts”. Virtual Symposium, Cordoba, Spain. 16-20 November 2020., 11-2020, (2020)
Assessing the receptor-mediated activity of PAHs using AhR-, ERα- and PPARγ- CALUX bioassays, Boonen, I., Van Heyst A., Van Langenhove K., Van Hoeck Els, Mertens Birgit, Denison M.S., Elskens M., and Demaegdt Heidi , Food and Chemical Toxicology, Jan-11-2020, Volume 145, (2020)
Assessment of natural coagulants to remediate Tunisian textile wastewater by combining physicochemical, analytical, and toxicological data, Methneni, Nosra, Anthonissen Roel, Van de Maele Jolien, Trifa Fatma, Verschaeve Luc, Ben Mansour Hedi, and Mertens Birgit , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Jan-11-2020, Volume 27, Issue 32, (2020)
Belgian initiatives boosting animal-free innovation, Van Mulders, Mieke, Gustafson E., Liodo Missigba N, Mertens Birgit, and Rogiers V. , BioVox, 26/02/2020, (2020)
Biological effects of radiofrequency fields: Testing a paradigm shift in dosimetry, Vanderstraeten, Jacques, and Verschaeve Luc , Environmental Research, May 2020, Volume 184, (2020)
Biological monitoring of exposure to pesticide residues among Belgian florists, Toumi, Khaoula, Joly Laure, Vleminckx Christiane, and Schiffers Bruno , Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, Mar-03-2020, Volume 26, Issue 3, (2020)
Carry-over of some Fusarium mycotoxins in tissues and eggs of chickens fed experimentally mycotoxin-contaminated diets, Tangni, Emmanuel, Van Pamel Els, Huybrechts Bart, Delezie Evelyne, Van Hoeck Els, and Daeseleire Els , Food and Chemical Toxicology, nov 2020, Volume 145, (2020)

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