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Dr. Lies Gremeaux MSc
Project leader Unit Illicit Drugs
Lies Gremeaux is a project researcher at Sciensano and head of the Unit Illicit Drugs at the Service of Health Information. She has developed and coordinated several drug-related projects ranging from studies on patterns of substance use, to analyses of the accessibility to treatment settings for specific substance users such as women, NPS users and prisoners. Her current work primarily focusses on national and European projects facilitating Knowledge Translation and the evidence-informed support of drug policy cycles.
She is the head of the Belgian Reitox National Focal Point for European Drug Agency; therefore, responsible for the management of the national drug information system and the liaison for requests of international organizations in the drug field. Besides, the focal point also coordinates the Early Warning System on Drugs on a national level and supports professionals and practitioners to establish best practices.
Lies holds a Phd in Medical Sciences and a MSc degree in Biology, and an absolute a passion for people management and coaching of group dynamics.
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