Search results - 8 results

Assessing European national health information systems in peer review format: lessons learnt

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Systematic assessments of a country’s health information system (HIS) help identify strengths and weaknesses and may stimulate actions for improvement. They represent a capacity-building ...

Capacity building in European health information systems: the InfAct peer assessment methodology.

that compose a national HIS. Assessors from nine countries performed peer assessments of each other’s national HIS in the Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct). The aim of this study is to evaluate ...

The InfAct proposal for a sustainable European health information infrastructure on population health: the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH).

of availability, accessibility and especially in quality between and within countries. This situation is further exacerbated and exposed by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The Joint Action on Health ...

EU health information progress: the harvest of policy supporting projects and networks

supporting projects and networks and selected those fulfilling our inclusion criteria after more in-depth inspection. We searched for their outputs. In addition, we reviewed country participation in these ...

Integrating technical and political views for a sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health.

technical experts (NTE) with the aim to discuss and provide feedback about scientific aspects, feasibility and EU-added value of the infrastructure proposed by InfAct. 2) The AoM gathered country ...

Prioritizing health information for national health reporting- a Delphi study of the Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct).

prioritization. This was followed by a two-round Policy Delphi study, where we explored which processes and methods exist in EU Member States and associated countries for the prioritization of HI collection. In the ...

Identifying common enablers and barriers in European health information systems.

Europe Health Information Systems Humans Qualitative Research Abstract: European countries possess unique health information systems (HIS s) and face similar health system challenges. Investigating common ...

Developing a tool to monitor knowledge translation in the health system: results from an international Delphi study

aimed to identify criteria for monitoring Knowledge Translation (KT) capacity within countries. METHODS: We conducted a web-based Delphi with over 120 public health professionals from 45 countries to ...

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