Search results - 389 results

Identifying nanodescriptors to predict the toxicity of nanomaterials: a case study on titanium dioxide

broader contexts such as safety-by-design approaches, which require linking of material specific properties to the toxicological outcome. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et ...

Exploring how the urban neighborhood environment influences mental well-being using walking interviews

Brussels-Capital Region. This paper provides a detailed description of physical neighborhood factors (green-blue spaces, services, design and maintenance, traffic, cellphone towers) and social neighborhood factors ...

Scientific Opinion on the assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: African Swine Fever

kernels used for the assessment of the minimum radius of the protection and surveillance zones are shown. Several scenarios for which these control measures had to be assessed were designed and agreed prior ...

Scientific Opinion on the assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

be assessed were designed and agreed prior to thestart of the assessment. In summary, sampling procedures as described in the diagnostic manual forHPAI were considered efficient for gallinaceous ...

Food insecurity and its association with changes in nutritional habits among adults during the COVID-19 confinement measures in Belgium.

(2020) Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To assess food insecurity and its association with changes in nutritional habits among Belgian adults during confinement due to COVID-19. DESIGN: Three cross-sectional online ...

Sociocultural Influences on Food Choices and Implications for Sustainable Healthy Diets.

food choice values to support policy planning and design. Lastly, we explore how sociocultural change for sustainable or healthy diets is already happening through food movements, food lifestyles, and ...

The effect of a shelf placement intervention on sales of healthier and less healthy breakfast cereals in supermarkets: A co-designed pilot study.

A retailer-academic collaboration was formed to co-design and pilot selected commercially sustainable strategies to increase sales of healthier foods relative to less healthy foods in supermarkets. Two co-design ...

Expert consultation on public health needs related to surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, Summary report of Virtual meeting, 30 November 2020, WHO

and therefore needs to take the lead in designing surveillance programmes, merging and linking the data with other surveillance platforms, and coordinating interpretation and communication of ...

Identifying implementation gaps and priorities for the Singapore government to improve food environment policies: perspectives from a local expert panel.

objective of the current study was to characterise and evaluate the Singapore government’s policies to improve the food environment and to identify and prioritise concrete actions. DESIGN: The Healthy Food ...

AdHealth: a feasibility study to measure digital food marketing to adolescents through Facebook.

DESIGN: A Chrome browser extension (AdHealth) was developed to automatically collect advertisements seen by participants on their personal Facebook accounts. Information was extracted and sent to a web ...

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