Search results - 546 results
A shotgun metagenomics approach to detect and characterize unauthorized genetically modified microorganisms in microbial fermentation products
microbial fermentation products shotgun metagenomics Abstract: The presence of a genetically modified microorganism (GMM) or its DNA, often harboring antimicrobial resis- tance (AMR) genes, in microbial ...
Safety assessment of titanium dioxide (E171) as a food additive
effects. With respect to genotoxicity, the Panel concluded that TiO2 particles have the potential to induce DNA strand breaks and chromosomal damage, but not gene mutations. No clear correlation was observed ...
Child buccal telomere length and mitochondrial DNA content as biomolecular markers of ageing in association with air pollution
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pauline Hautekiet; Tim S. Nawrot; Bram G. Janssen; Dries S. Martens; Eva M De Clercq; Payam Dadvand; Michelle Plusquin; Bijnens, Esmée; Nelly D. Saenen Source: Environment International, Volume 1 ...
Child buccal telomere length and mitochondrial DNA content as biomolecular markers of ageing in association with air pollution
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pauline Hautekiet; Tim S. Nawrot; Bram G. Janssen; Dries S. Martens; Eva M De Clercq; Payam Dadvand; Michelle Plusquin; Esmée M. Bijnens; Nelly D. Saenen Source: Environment International, Volume ...
Identifying nanodescriptors to predict the toxicity of nanomaterials: a case study on titanium dioxide
modelling. Agglomerate size as a nanodescriptor was well associated with biological endpoints such as DNA damage and/or cytotoxicity. We conclude that, agglomerate size is an important nanodescriptor to assess ...
Retrospective survey of unauthorized genetically modified bacteria harbouring antimicrobial resistance genes in feed additive vitamin B2 commercialized in Belgium: Challenges and solutions
highlighted. In addition, the possible complementary use of additional data, like chloramphenicol presence and DNA concentration, as indicators for GMM contaminations was assessed. Based on results generated in ...
Unexpected mould diversity in clinical isolates from French Guiana and associated identification difficulties.
matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. In total, 38.8% of the 98 obtained molds isolates could not be identified and required a DNA-based identification. Fungal diversity was ...
Deep amplicon sequencing for culture-free prediction of susceptibility or resistance to 13 anti-tuberculous drugs.
Here, we evaluated the Deeplex Myc- TB targeted deep sequencing assay for prediction of resistance to 13 anti-tuberculous drugs/drug classes, directly applicable on sputum. With MTBC DNA tests, the limit ...
Development of an NGS-Based Workflow for Improved Monitoring of Circulating Plasmids in Support of Risk Assessment of Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Dissemination.
view of AMR gene localization, i.e., chromosomal or on a plasmid. Whole-genome and plasmid DNA extraction methods were compared, as were assemblies consisting of short reads (Illumina MiSeq), long reads ...
QuilA-Adjuvanted T. gondii Lysate Antigens Trigger Robust Antibody and IFNγ+ T Cell Responses in Pigs Leading to Reduction in Parasite DNA in Tissues Upon Challenge InfectionImage
vaccine induced the strongest immune response and reduced the parasite DNA load below the detection limit in brain and skeletal muscle tissue in most animals. These findings might inform the development of ...