Search results - 28 results

Prophylactic vaccination of girls and female adolescents against human papilomavirus infection (Belgium, 2007-2009)

Intermutualiste/Intermutualistisch Agentschap (AIM/IMA), Number 50, Brussels, p.50 (2011) Keywords: ADOLESCENT Adolescents Belgium cancer cervix Female Girls HPV Human INFECTION Vaccination vaccination coverage Service:  Étude des ...

Introduction of human papillomavirus vaccination in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

all three countries advised organized HPV vaccination of girls of 12 years with variable catch-up policies. In Belgium, the national health authority partially reimburses the HPV vaccine for girls of ...

Introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Belgium, 2007-2008.

Institute for Health and Disability Insurance reimbursed the HPV vaccine for girls aged between 12-15 years. In December 2008, the age limit was extended to include girls up to the age of 18. In November ...

Submandibular lymphadenitis caused by Mycobacterium interjectum: contribution of new diagnostic tools36844

Mycobacterium interjectum is a rare causative agent of cervical lymphadenitis. We describe a 2-year-old girl with suspected tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene allowed the correct ...

Contribution of selected foods to acrylamide intake by a population of Brazilian adolescents

CONSUMPTION contribution data dietary Dietary intake Dietary-intake exposure exposure assessment food food consumption Foods Girls Individuals intake LEVEL levels method older ON percentile POPULATION Recall ...

Prevaccination distribution of human papillomavirus types in women attending at cervical cancer screening in Belgium.

the expected and theoretical levels of vaccine protection offered as vaccinated girls gradually age into the groups from which our observations stem. Further periodic laboratory-based surveys, including ...

Review of current knowledge on HPV vaccination: an appendix to the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening.

cervical intra-epithelial lesions associated with the types included in the vaccine. HPV vaccination should be offered to girls before onset of sexual activity. While prophylactic vaccination is likely to ...

Energy Drink Consumption among Adolescents Attending Schools in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.

analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultra-Violet spectrometry (HPLC- UV). RESULTS: Of 338 pupils (54% girls), 63% reported having consumed at least one ED in the last week and 34% drank ...

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