Search results - 26 results

Doublecortin as a marker of adult neuroplasticity in the canary song control nucleus HVC.

Prosencephalon Testosterone Vocalization, Animal Abstract: It is established that in songbirds the size of several brain song control nuclei varies seasonally, based on changes in cell size, dendritic branching ...

The microtubule-associated protein doublecortin is broadly expressed in the telencephalon of adult canaries.

Neurons Neuropeptides Telencephalon Abstract: The protein doublecortin (DCX) is expressed in post-mitotic migrating and differentiating neurons in the developing vertebrate brain and, as a part of the ...

Social context affects testosterone-induced singing and the volume of song control nuclei in male canaries (Serinus canaria).

enhances singing behavior but elevated plasma T concentrations are not absolutely required for singing to occur. Singing is generally produced either to defend a territory or to attract a mate and it is ...

Protein growth rate in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is negatively correlated to liver 20S proteasome activity.

other animals add and maintain body proteins is a balance between synthesis of proteins and their degradation. In fish that have similar food consumption and protein synthesis rates, a greater ratio of ...

Molecular characterisation of three avian paramyxovirus type 1 isolated from pigeons in France.

cytosine residues, and might so have an influence on the expression level of the three proteins encoded by P. This work is also the first to provide molecular data on NP, P and L genes of typical pPMV-1. ...

Effect of TNF-alpha on LH and IGF-I modulated chicken granulosa cell proliferation and progesterone production during follicular development.

the third largest follicle but not those of the largest follicle. The data indicate that the normal hierarchy of follicles is maintained in the chicken ovary through the regulation of the activity of ...

Development of immunocompetence of broiler chickens.

embryonic and neonatal chickens is not entirely developed due to the incomplete structural organisation of their secondary immune organs. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript ...

CD57, a marker for B-cell activation and splenic ellipsoid-associated reticular cells of the chicken.

differently treated before immunohistochemistry. CD57 is also expressed by a small number of T-cells in the spleen and the caecal tonsils. This number is highly variable between individual chickens depending on ...

(Non-)Sense of Milk Testing in Small Ruminant Lentivirus Control Programs in Goats. Comparative Analysis of Antibody Detection and Molecular Diagnosis in Blood and Milk.

Abstract: Small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) control programs are mainly based on diagnostic tests performed on blood samples collected from sheep and goats. Since blood sampling is costly and stressful for the ...

Nationwide Screening for Bee Viruses and Parasites in Belgian Honey Bees.

J J De Winter; S. Roels; De Graaf, Dirk C; Nick De Regge Source: Viruses, Volume 12, Issue 8 (2020) Abstract: The health of honey bees is threatened by multiple factors, including viruses and parasites. We ...

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