Search results - 69 results

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market.

Organization (WHO), state that 10% of the medical products in low- and middle-income countries are substandard or falsified (SF). Among them, antibiotics and antimalarials are the most commonly reported since ...

Development of a QuEChERS-Based UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination of Six Alternaria Toxins in Grapes

applied to reveal the contamination state of Alternaria toxins in grapes. Among 56 grape samples, 40 (incidence of 71.4%) were contaminated with Alternaria toxins. TEN was the most frequently found ...

Global burden of cancer and coronary heart disease resulting from dietary exposure to arsenic, 2015

within each of the WHO member states. Summary relative risk estimates and population attributable fractions were developed to estimate the YLD, YLL, and DALY s for arsenic-induced CHD. The findings ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market

antimicrobials UHPLC-DAD UHPLC-MS2 Abstract: Estimations, made by the World Health Organization (WHO), state that 10% of the medical products in low- and middle-income countries are substandard or falsified (SF). ...

Towards a sustainable EU health information system infrastructure: A consensus driven approach.

created where representatives from 16 European countries agreed on the HIREP- ERIC as a pragmatic bottom-up approach to strengthen the current EU health information landscape. A Member States’ commitment is ...

Towards a sustainable EU health information system infrastructure: A consensus driven approach.

created where representatives from 16 European countries agreed on the HIREP- ERIC as a pragmatic bottom-up approach to strengthen the current EU health information landscape. A Member States’ commitment is ...

Reitox national reporting to EMCDDA on drugs and drug addiction, 2017

Europe. In order to fulfil the above, the EMCDDA relies on the collaboration with the European information network (Reitox), consisting of all national drug observatories in the EU Member state plus Turkey, ...

Activity-Based Detection and Bioanalytical Confirmation of a Fatal Carfentanil Intoxication.

of the most potent opioids known, has recently been reported as a contaminant in street heroin in the United States and Europe, and is associated with an increased number of life-threatening emergency ...

Measuring disability: a systematic review of the validity and reliability of the Global Activity Limitations Indicator (GALI).

a substantial policy use within the EU and its Member States. The objective of current paper is to bring together what is known from published manuscripts on the validity and the reliability of GALI. Methods: ...

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