Search results - 5 results
Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to maximize the future impact of interventions on cervical cancer in Australia
cancer Cervical cancer prevention EVALUATION Health economics Modelling Simulation Abstract: OBJECTIVE Australia’s HPV vaccination and HPV-based cervical screening programs are changing the landscape in ...
Cervical morbidity in Alsace, France: results from a regional organized cervical cancer screening program.
Volume 28, Issue 1 (2019) Keywords: Adult Early Detection of Cancer Female France Humans middle aged morbidity Papillomavirus Vaccines REGISTRIES Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: In 1994, a pilot ...
Efficacy and safety of prophylactic HPV vaccines. A Cochrane review of randomized trials.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: M. Arbyn; Lan Xu Source: Expert Rev Vaccines, Volume 17, Issue 12 (2018) Keywords: Cervical cancer; HPV vaccines; meta-analysis; ...
Barriers to and facilitators of compliance with clinic-based cervical cancer screening: population-based cohort study of women aged 23-60 years.
(i.e., did not attend screening within 1 year of the initial invitation), 51% of whom stated difficulties in taking time off work. 64% of all respondents knew that HPV vaccination was available; only 34% ...
Early effects of human papillomavirus vaccination in Belgium.
Infections Papillomavirus Vaccines Poisson Distribution prevalence regression analysis Retrospective Studies Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Vaginal Smears Young adult Abstract: Human papillomavirus (HPV) ...