Search results - 240 results

POWER TO CARE L’enquête sur le bien-être des personnes et professionnels d’aide et de soin Principaux résultats de la quatrième enquête nationale, septembre 2021

Étude des soins de santé Gezondheidszorgonderzoek Health services research Manuscript versions:  DOI:  http://x File:  Version:  Pre-print Full text access:  Under Embargo Embargo end date:  2-12-2021 ...

Cost-DALY comparison of hip replacement care in 12 Belgian hospitals

Belgian hospitals. METHODS: Our study seeks to innovate by proposing an interhospital comparison that simultaneously integrates the weighting of quality indicators and the costs of managing a patient. To this end, we ...

Integrative transnational analysis to dissect tuberculosis transmission events along the migratory route from Africa to Europe.

migration from the Horn of Africa (HA). In one of the first rescues of migrants from this region at the end of 2018, tuberculosis was diagnosed in eight subjects, mainly unaccompanied minors. METHODS: ...

Off-target modifications by CRISPR-Cas: relevant for safety assessment strategies for new (GM) plant varieties?

Source: (2021) Manuscript versions:  DOI:  http://x File:  cover.docx Version:  Pre-print Full text access:  Under Embargo Embargo end date:  31-12-2022 Full text language:  English Category:  E12 FOS ...

Development and validation of a targeted LC-MS/MS quantitation method to monitor cell culture expression of tetanus neurotoxin during vaccine production

minimize time loss, the amount of TeNT is often monitored during and at the end of the bacterial culturing. The different methods that are currently available to assess the amount of TeNT in the bacterial ...

Anchoring tick salivary anti-complement proteins IRAC I and IRAC II to membrane increases their immunogenicity.

present study, we tried to increase IRAC immunogenicity by expressing them as oligovalent antigens. To this end, IRAC were fused to membrane anchors and BoHV-4 vectors expressing these recombinant forms ...

Final report: MY DNA, EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS? Qualitative analysis of the belgian citizen forum on the use of genomic information

citizen panel strongly believes that “Individuals are more than their genome and should not be prisoners of it”. To this end, protection against any form of discrimination, categorization, and rejection of ...

The role of Intramural Health Professionals in the Early Sensitization of Belgian Workers with Cancer to their Return-to-work: Study report

of supporting the professional reintegration of workers affected by cancer. To this end, 225 cancer patients receiving curative treatment were followed up for one year in three Belgian hospitals with ...

A collective call to strengthen monitoring and evaluation efforts to support healthy and sustainable food systems: 'The Accountability Pact'.

for food systems. To this end, we present — and encourage stakeholders to join or support — an Accountability Pact to catalyse an evidence-informed transformation of current food systems to promote ...

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