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Suicide mortality in Belgium at the beginning of the 21st century: differences according to migrant background.

groups intensifies. Conclusion: Although the risk is generally lower for minorities compared to the majority population, the results across migration generations underscore minorities’ increased vulnerability to ...

General Practice Care for Patients with Rare Diseases in Belgium. A Cross-Sectional Survey.

diseases in general practice. This study examined care characteristics of active rare disease patients in the Belgian Network of Sentinel General Practices (SGP) and the importance of rare diseases in ...

Assessing polypharmacy in the general older population: comparison of findings from a health survey and health insurance data

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Johan Van der Heyden; Françoise Renard; Finaba Berete; Jean Tafforeau; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: European Congress of Epidemiology, Lyon, France (2018) Keywords: chronic conditi ...

The ageing population: in-vivo study on the effect of age on cardiovascular physiology

contrasted by the cPWV, where generally, a significant increase was found in round 2 data for similarly aged participants. The PDD showed no significant increase in mean distensibility, but showed significant ...

The BBEMG research program- A multidisciplinary approach in studying long-term effects of ELF-EMF

contribution of cumulative exposure to perceived and/or objective health. This part of the study will be carried out among the general population in the Brussels Region. Healthy participants will be recruited ...

4DEMON: Centralization and valorization of 4 decades of biota contaminant data in the Belgian Part of the North Sea

dynamics, 28/5-1/6, Luik (2018) Abstract: From the sixties, growing general awareness arose concerning the negative effects of chemical pollution in the marine environment. This led to international ...

Impact of the (Non-) Built Environment on Mental Health in Brussels : The NAMED PROJECT

accessibility, safety, labelling, etc.). This research will be more generally informative on the question of the health and environmental inequality.   Discussion By gathering experts in social, geographical, ...

The European Web Survey on Drugs: patterns of use of new psychoactive substances in Belgium

cannot be easily monitored by means of the national Health Interview Survey in the general population because it is only held every five years. In addition, the questionnaire on substance use is limited ...

Présentation générale des activités d'Orphanet et des contributions possibles par les professionnels de la santé et le grand public à Orphanet Belgium

general public at Orphanet Belgium was delivered. Service:  Épidémiologie et santé publique Epidemiologie en volksgezondheid Epidemiology and public health Full text language:  French Category:  C33 FOS ...

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