Search results - 5 results
Modelling the cost differential between current and healthy diets according to household education level in Belgium.
Though needing validation, this finding is valuable for interventions aimed at improving dietary habits in disadvantaged populations. Health Topics: Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Food consumption and ...
Providing Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership Support (MEALS) for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention in Ghana: Project Protocol
interventions with strong potential to improve food environments of Ghanaian children, the MEALS4NCD s protocol has innovatively integrated a local community participatory approach based on the community ...
The effect of a shelf placement intervention on sales of healthier and less healthy breakfast cereals in supermarkets: A co-designed pilot study.
workshops, involving supermarket corporate staff and public health nutrition academics, identified potential interventions. One intervention, more prominent shelf placement of healthier products within one ...
Improving Burden of Disease and Source Attribution Estimates
intervention strategies and preventing and reducing the burden of diseases in a population. This chapter outlines areas of improvement that would lead to improved estimates including enhancing foodborne disease ...
Generating the evidence for risk reduction: a contribution to the future of food-based dietary guidelines.
research question. Explicit definitions of study questions should include participants, interventions/exposure, comparisons, outcomes and study design. Such type of meta-analyses should not only focus on ...