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Identification of potential migrants from printing inks used on paper and board food contact materials
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Els Van Hoeck Source: ILSI Europe Packaging Materials Task Force Meeting., NA, Issue ILSI Europe, NA (2013) Keywords: ...
A new synoptic document: a Belgian database for all substances known and used in food contact materials
food food contact food contact material Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Service: Évaluation des risques et de ...
What's in a strain? Viral metagenomics identifies genetic variation and contaminating circoviruses in laboratory isolates of pigeon paramyxovirus type 1.
PiCV. This study shows the value of novel sequence independent technologies for access to sequence information for the control of reference virus stocks and other biological materials, as co-infecting ...
The draft resolution & technical guide on metals and alloys
Aluminium AS Comment CONTACT de Discussion Europe European food food contact food contact material Medicine métal method methods ON PRODUCTS Quality Version Abstract: Examination of the draft resolution & ...
Effect of household and industrial processing on levels of some pesticide residues in carrots
raw material varied due to the different treatments, application times, weather conditions, the physico-chemical properties of each pesticide. Food processing (washing, peeling, blanching, microwave ...
Technical guide on metals and alloys: discussion of draft technical document 3
alloys Aluminium AS Comment CONTACT de Discussion Europe European food food contact food contact material Medicine métal method methods ON PRODUCTS Quality technical guide Version Abstract: Technical guide ...
Permeability of gloves to selected chemotherapeutic agents after treatment with alcohol or isopropyl alcohol.
protection for health care professionals frequently exposed to cytotoxic agents are reported. METHODS: The permeation of 17 cytotoxic drugs through different glove materials and glove combinations was studied ...
A review of dietary and non-dietary exposure to bisphenol-A
evaluate their contribution to the human exposure. Food sources discussed here include epoxy resins, polycarbonate and other applications, such as paperboard and polyvinylchloride materials. Among the ...
Modelling aluminium leaching into food from different foodware materials with multi-level factorial design of experiments.
contribution of aluminium (Al) leaching from different materials used for food preparation and serving to the dietary Al intake, Al release from foodware typically used in everyday life was investigated using ...
Materialen uit kunstof bestemd voor direct contact met voeding: Wat is de impact voor de laboratoria van de recente verordening (EU) 10/2011?
10/2011 food contact material Impact IS Abstract: Not applicable Service: Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé ...