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Experimental Schmallenberg virus infection of pigs.
non-specific syndrome in adult cattle including high fever, decrease in milk production and severe diarrhea. It also causes reproductive problems in cattle, sheep and goat including abortions, stillbirths and ...
Prevalence and molecular typing of Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk in Belgian dairy goats, 2009-2013.
170, Issue 1-2, p.117-24 (2014) Keywords: Animals Belgium Coxiella burnetii Genetic Variation Genotype Goat Diseases Goats Humans milk Molecular Typing prevalence Q Fever Vaccination Abstract: Q fever, ...
A review of the microbiological hazards of raw milk from animal species other than cows
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: C. Verraes; W. Claeys; S. Cardoen; G. Daube; L. De Zutter; Hein Imberechts; Katelijne Dierick; L. Herman Source: International Dairy Journal, Volume 39, Issue 1 (2014) Service: Pathogènes alimen ...
Pulmonary artery haemorrhage in newborn calves following bluetongue virus serotype 8 experimental infections of pregnant heifers.
Claude Source: Vet Microbiol, Volume 167, Issue 3-4, p.250-9 (2013) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Neutralizing Antibodies, Viral Bluetongue Bluetongue virus brain Cattle Cattle Diseases Europe Female milk ...
Analysis of chlormequat residue in milk by UPLC-MS/MS
detection Europe fat feed food Food Analysis growth HIS i Interference IS LEVEL Limit of Detection Mass Spectrometry matrix method milk observed ON ORIGIN plant Plants protein Proteins Quantification ...
A proteomics approach for the quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins a and b in several matrices using uplc-msms analysis.
attributed to mixed or buffet meals (28.9%), followed by cheese (18.4%). This indicates that milk, milk derived products and ready-to-eat (RTI) foods require attention in detecting and quantifying SE s. We ...
Iodine deficiency among Belgian pregnant women not fully corrected by iodine-containing multivitamins: a national cross-sectional survey.
deficiency was significantly higher in younger women, in women not taking iodine-containing supplements, with low consumption of milk and dairy drinks and during autumn. Women with a higher BMI had a higher ...
Clinical pattern characterization of cattle naturally infected by BTV-8.
quite obviously visible (lethargy, conjunctivitis, lesions of nasal mucosa, nasal discharge). Skin lesions, a drop in milk production and weight loss appeared later in the course of the disease. ...
Raw or heated cow milk consumption: Review of risks and benefits
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Wendie L. Claeys; Sabine Cardoen; Daube, Georges; Jan De Block; Koen Dewettinck; Katelijne Dierick; de Zutter, Lieven; é Huyghebaert; Hein Imberechts; Pierre Thiange; Yvan Vandenplas; Herman, Lie ...
Usefulness of the European Epidemic Intelligence Information System in the management of an outbreak of listeriosis, Belgium, 2011.
a clonal strain suggest the occurrence of an outbreak of listeriosis in Belgium in 2011, presumably due to the consumption of hard cheese made with pasteurised milk and produced by a Belgium manufacturer. ...