Search results - 7 results

Evolution of patient characteristics and outcomes concerning diabetic foot ulcer care in Belgium between 2008 and 2020

  Methods: Data were cross-sectionally collected between 2008 and 2020. Recognized MDFC s included the first 52 patients with a new DFU of Wagner 2 or higher during the audit period. Person and ulcer ...

Sex differences in diabetic foot ulcer severity and outcome in Belgium

increasingly recognized to play an important role in the epidemiology, treatment and outcomes of many diseases. This study aims to describe differences between sexes in patient characteristics, ulcer severity ...

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the presentation rate and severity of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium

vs. 1.4 patients/week/ DFC in 2018; p < 0.001). No differences in demographic data such as age, gender, diabetes type and duration were observed between both groups. Patients seen during and after ...

The COVID-19 pandemic strongly reduced the presentation rate of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium, but the impact on severity was limited to slightly larger lesions

p<0.001). However, median patient-reported presentation delay did not increase (A: 3 [1-8] vs. B: 3 [1-7] weeks; p=0,81). Demographic data such as gender, age, diabetes type and duration were not different. ...

Care delivery and outcomes among Belgian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

patients with type 1 diabetes, aged 0-18 years. Questionnaires were used to collect data on demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as process of care completion and outcomes of care in 2008. Most ...

Initiative for quality improvement and epidemiology among children and adolescents with diabetes (IQECAD)

s transmitted data on a random sample (N=976) of type 1 diabetic patients aged 0-18 years (representing about one third of all Belgian patients) to the Scientific Institute of Public Health (IPH) using an on-line ...

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