Search results - 68 results

Confidence in indirect assessment of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine potency and vaccine matching carried out by liquid phase ELISA and virus neutralization tests.

phase blocking competitive ELISA (lpELISA) and virus neutralization (VNT) in 10 potency trials using the same A24 Cruzeiro vaccine, were interpolated into previously validated logit transformation curves ...

A proposed validation method for automated nucleic acid extraction and RT-qPCR analysis: an example using Bluetongue virus.

Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction Validation Studies as Topic Abstract: This study proposes a validation strategy for an automated extraction procedure, followed by RT-qPCR analysis. To avoid false-negative ...

Fine quantification of avian influenza H5N1 escape mutant quasispecies populations using mutation-specific real-time PCR.

two mutations (one in HA1 and one in HA2) and validated using plasmids representing either the wildtype sequence or the mutation. The approach achieves a precise and accurate estimation of mutation ...

Rapid detection of Eurasian and American H7 subtype influenza A viruses using a single TaqManMGB real-time RT-PCR.

avian influenza viruses (PanH7). The wide phylogenetic scope and analytical sensitivity and specificity were validated with the use of a panel of 56 diverse influenza A viruses. The detection limit was ...

Validation of two real-time RT-PCR methods for foot-and-mouth disease diagnosis: RNA-extraction, matrix effect, uncertainty of measurement and precision.

determine analytical and diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, a thorough validation in terms of establishing optimal RNA-extraction conditions, matrix effect, uncertainty of measurement and precision is ...

Comparison of concentrations of mercury in ambient air to its accumulation by leafy vegetables: an important step in terrestrial food chain analysis.

useful for biomonitoring purposes. A comparison made in the 1980s between biomonitoring results with grass and the mercury concentration in leafy vegetables from private gardens nearby proved to be valid ...

NUSAP method for evaluating the data quality in a quantitative microbial risk assessment model for Salmonella in the pork production chain.

(proxy, empirical basis, method, and validation) to assess the quality, and this was graphically represented by means of kite diagrams. The parameters obtained significantly lower scores for the validation ...

Comparison of classical serotyping and PremiTest assay for routine identification of common Salmonella enterica serovars.

that the system has been validated beforehand with a significant number of strains originating from that particular area. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary ...

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