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Résultats de la recherche - 8 results

Immunovirological and environmental screening reveals actionable risk factors for fatal COVID-19 during post-vaccination nursing home outbreaksAbstract

Basil Britto; Le Mercier, Marie; Coppens, Jasmine; Matheeussen, Veerle; Goossens, Herman; Martens, Geert A.; Swaerts, Koen; Van Hoecke, Frederik; Desmet, Dieter; Descheemaeker, Patrick; Bogaerts, Pierre; ...

Nationwide quality assurance of high-throughput diagnostic molecular testing during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: role of the Belgian National Reference Centre

Holderbeke, Astrid; De Beenhouwer, Hans; Cattoir, Lien; Lammens, Christine; Xavier, Basil Britto; Le Mercier, Marie; Coppens, Jasmine; Matheeussen, Veerle; Goossens, Herman; Martens, Geert A.; Swaert, Koen; Van ...

Closing schools for SARS-CoV-2: a pragmatic rapid recommendation

Devisch; Tinne Lernout; Katrien Masschalck; Nore Milissen; Molenberghs, Geert; Annelies Pascal; Oscar Plomteux; Marc Raes; Lise Rans; Alexandra Seghers; Lode Sweldens; Jeroen Vandenbussche; Guido Vanham; ...

Belgian rare diseases plan in clinical pathology: identification of key biochemical diagnostic tests and establishment of reference laboratories and financing conditions.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vandevelde, Nathalie M; Vermeersch, Pieter; Devreese, Katrien M J; Vincent, Marie-Françoise; Gulbis, Béatrice; Eyskens, François; Boemer, ...

Care trajectories are associated with quality improvement in the treatment of patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A registry based cohort study.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Goderis, Geert; Viviane Van Casteren; Declercq, Etienne; Nathalie Bossuyt; Van Den Broeke, Carine; Vanthomme, Katrien; S Moreels; Nobels, ...

Does the Belgian diabetes type 2 care trajectory improve quality of care for diabetes patients?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Viviane Van Casteren; Nathalie Bossuyt; S Moreels; Goderis, Geert; Vanthomme, Katrien; Wens, Johan; De Clercq, Etienne W Source: Arch ...

What determines inclusion in the early phase of the type 2 diabetes care trajectory in Belgium?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vanthomme, Katrien; Bossuyt, Nathalie; S Moreels; Boffin, Nicole; De Clercq, Etienne; Goderis, Geert; Viviane Van Casteren Source: Arch ...

A High-Throughput Yellow Fever Neutralization Assay.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Madina Rasulova; Thomas Vercruysse; Jasmine Paulissen; Catherina Coun; Vanessa Suin; Heyndrickx, Leo; Ma, Ji; Katrien Geerts; Jolien ...

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