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Résultats de la recherche - 2 results
The most likely time and place of introduction of BTV8 into Belgian ruminants.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Saegerman, Claude; Mellor, Philip; Uyttenhoef, Aude; Hanon, Jean-Baptiste; Kirschvink, Nathalie; Haubruge, Eric; Delcroix, Pierre; ...
Synthetic EthR inhibitors boost antituberculous activity of ethionamide36849
Delcroix,G.; Frenois,F.; Aumercier,M.; Locht,C.; Villeret,V.; Deprez,B.; Baulard,A.R. Source: Nat.Med., Volume 15, Issue 5, Number 544, p.537- 544 (2009) Keywords: 0 a Activity Agent Agents Animals antagonists ...