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Résultats de la recherche - 3 results

Identification of diffusion routes of O/EA-3 topotype of foot-and-mouth disease virus in Africa and Western Asia between 1974 and 2019- a phylogeographic analysis.

Ebou; Abouchoaib, Nabil; Soufien Sghaier; David Lefebvre; Kris De Clercq; Valerie Milouet; Brocchi, Emiliana; Giulia Pezzoni; Charles Nfon; Donald King; Durand, Benoit; Nick Knowles; Kassimi, Labib ...

[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Morgan Sarry; Aurore Romey; David Lefebvre; Souheyla Benfrid; Barbara Dufour; Durand, Benoit; Gina Zanella; Nick De Regge; Zientara, ...

Evaluation of adaptive immune responses and heterologous protection induced by inactivated bluetongue virus vaccines.

Moreau, Francis; Lilin, Thomas; Durand, Benoit; Mertens, Peter; Vitour, Damien; Sailleau, Corinne; Zientara, Stéphan Source: Vaccine, Volume 33, Issue 4, p.512-8 (2015) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Viral ...

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