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Résultats de la recherche - 12 results
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group: children, adolescents and young adults with cancer
Franck; Levy, Gabriel; Neefs, Hans; Segers, Heidi; Chiairi, Ibrahim; Demeestere, Isabelle; De Munter, Johan; Verlooy, Joris; Messiaen, Julie; Lemiere, Jurgen; Van Beek, Karen; Vandenabeele, Karen; Maes, ...
Validation of a Targeted LC-MS/MS Method for Cereulide and Application in Food and Faeces.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Julien Masquelier *; Segers, Céline; Bram Jacobs *; Tom Van Nieuwenhuysen *; Laurence Delbrassinne *; Els Van Hoeck Source: Toxins ...
NextGEM: Next-Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health.
Eleni; Lagorio, Susanna; Biffoni, Mauro; Schiavoni, Andrea; Boldi, Mauro Renato; Feldman, Yuri; Bilik, Igal; Laromaine, Anna; Gich, Martí; Spirito, Marco; M. Ledent *; Segers, Seppe; Vargas, Francisco; ...
Effects of long-term exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields on cell viability, genetic damage, and sensitivity to mutagen-induced damage.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ti Thu Ha Nguyen; Seppe Segers; M. Ledent; Roel Anthonissen; Luc Verschaeve; M. Hinsenkamp; J.-F. Collard; Feipel, Veronique; Birgit ...
NextGEM: Next-Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health
Lagorio; Mauro Biffoni; Andrea Schiavoni; Mauro Renato Boldi; Yuri Feldman; Igal Bilik; Anna Laromaine; Gich, Martí; Marco Spirito; M. Ledent; Seppe Segers; Francisco Vargas; Colussi, Loek; Mathieu Pruppers; ...
Effects of long-term exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields on cell viability, genetic damage, and sensitivity to mutagen-induced damage
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nguyen, Ha; Seppe Segers; M. Ledent; Anthonissen, Roel; Luc Verschaeve; Maurice Hinsenkamp; J.-F. Collard; Feipel, Veronique; Birgit ...
Effects of long-term exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields on cell viability, genetic damage, and sensitivity to mutagen-induced damage
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nguyen, Ha; Seppe Segers; M. Ledent; Anthonissen, Roel; Luc Verschaeve; Maurice Hinsenkamp; Jean-Francois Collard; Feipel, Veronique; ...
Towards a new (H)ERA: Preparedness for outbreak detection and response
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Amber Van Laer; Inne Nauwelaers; Kevin Vanneste; Eric Mairiaux; Gaetan Muyldermans; Nicolas Segers; Sofieke Klamer; Heleen ...
Comparing responses to different selenium sources and dosages in laying hens.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Delezie, E; Rovers, M; Van der Aa, A; Ann Ruttens; Wittocx, S; Segers, L Source: Poult Sci, Volume 93, Issue 12, p.3083-90 (2014) ...
Prevalence of herds with young sows seropositive to pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease) in northern Belgium.
Hoet, B; Segers, E; Van Vlaenderen, I; Robert, A; F. Koenen Source: Prev Vet Med, Volume 41, Issue 4, p.239-55 (1999) Keywords: Animal Husbandry Animals Antibodies, Viral Belgium Enzyme-Linked ...