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Résultats de la recherche - 4 results

Inter-laboratory study of human in vitro toxicogenomics-based tests as alternative methods for evaluating chemical carcinogenicity: a bioinformatics perspective.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Herwig, R; Gmuender, H; Corvi, R; Bloch, K M; Brandenburg, A; Castell, J; Ceelen, L; Chesne, C; Doktorova, T Y; Jennen, D; Jennings, P; ...

Characterization of virulence properties of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b strains of different origins36816

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Werbrouck,H.; N Botteldoorn; Ceelen,L.; Decostere,A.; Uyttendaele,M.; Herman,L.; E. Van Coillie Source: Zoonoses.Public Health, Volume 55, ...

Isolation and characterization of Helicobacter suis sp. nov. from pig stomachs.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Baele, M; Decostere, A; Vandamme, P; Ceelen, L; Hellemans, A; Jan Mast; Chiers, K; Ducatelle, R; Haesebrouck, F Source: Int J Syst Evol ...

Helicobacter equorum sp. nov., a urease-negative Helicobacter species isolated from horse faeces.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Moyaert, H; Decostere, A; Vandamme, P; Debruyne, L; Jan Mast; Baele, M; Ceelen, L; Ducatelle, R; Haesebrouck, F Source: Int J Syst Evol ...

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