Résultats de la recherche - 1131 results
Anxiety and depression in people with post-COVID condition: a Belgian population-based cohort study three months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
COVID-19 Condition (PCC). This study aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 and PCC on anxiety and depression. Methods: This is a prospective longitudinal cohort study among the Belgian adult population with ...
Unraveling social health inequalities during COVID-19 in Belgium: the vital role of data linkages
vulnerable population groups. Yet, considerable technical, administrative and data security issues have hindered the effectiveness of data linkages as a critical instrument during public health emergencies. ...
The wisdom layer: how to support evidence-informed policymaking
objectives for Belgium. We will also cover the role of healthybelgium.be in governing and monitoring the health status of the Belgian population by discussing why this website has been recognized by WHO Europe ...
The burden of psoriasis in Belgium, 2021
DALY estimates for psoriasis in Belgium were however lower than those of the GBD study. Psoriasis imposes a non-negligible burden on population health in Belgium, despite it not being a cause of death. ...
Unravelling COVID-19 social mortality patterns using conditional inference tree algorithm
Abstract: Background The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant excess mortality in 2020 in Belgium. By using microlevel cause-specific mortality data for the total Belgian adult population in 2020, three ...
The information layer: shaping data into meaning with interactive tools
aggregation and stratification. This study serves as a foundation for deriving conclusions and formulating hypotheses regarding the health status of the national and various sub-populations. Our discussion will ...
Estimation of Environmental Burden of Disease related to Arsenic exposure in European Populations
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Rafiqa Benchrih; Buekers, J; Claire Demoury; Martins, C; Purece, A; Thomsen, S T; Nadia Waegeneers; Eva M De Clercq; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: European Journal of Public Health, ...
Psychological distress and online advice-seeking in times of COVID-19: vertical and horizontal equity of an e-mental health strategy
restrictions increased the psychological distress of the population while the use of on-site mental health care decreased. The provision of online mental health care was therefore scaled up in many European ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024
risks. Environmental burden of disease (EBD) studies try to estimate the impact of environmental stressors in terms of mortality or morbidity on a population level. Although environmental risks have been ...
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Jacques, Aline; Ruthy, Ingrid; Jacquemin, Pierre; Elens, Laure; Haufroid, Vincent; Deumer, Gladys; Pirard, Catherine; Charlier, Corinne; Heidi Demaegdt; Karlien Chey ...