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charcot food

Résultats de la recherche - 22 results

Initiatief voor Kwaliteitsbevordering en Epidemiologie bij Multidisciplinaire Diabetes Voetklinieken (IKED-Voet). Resultaten van de 7de gegevensverzameling (auditjaren 2020-2021)

Sciensano, Brussel, België, p.128 (2023) Accession Number: 2983-7812 Keywords: audit charcot foot diabetes Diabetic Foot diabetic foot ulcer feedback quality improvement quality of care Abstract: Dit rapport ...

Declining offloading rates in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics (RDFC): results from an audit-feedback quality improvement initiative.

2 or more and/or active Charcot foot (table 2). Off-loading was categorized as follows: 1. knee-high device, removable or not (TCC, Diabetic walkers…), 2 ankle-high shoe or cast shoe, 3. other ...

Initiative for Quality Improvement and Epidemiology in Multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics (IQED-Foot)- Results of the 4th data collection (audit years 2013-2014)

charcot foot diabetes Diabetic Foot diabetic foot ulcer feedback quality improvement quality of care Abstract: This report describes the results of the fourth audit among the recognized diabetic foot ...

Management and 6-month outcome of patients with diabetic foot problems: results from a nationwide quality improvement initiative between 2005 and 2014

diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) or acute Charcot foot that year. QI was encouraged by meetings and by anonymous benchmarking of DFC s. Results: The first audit-feedback cycle was a pilot study. Subsequent audits, ...

Epidemiologie en behandeling van acute Charcot voet: prospectieve follow-up studie van 62 patiënten uit de IKED-Voet studie

in which Charcot foot occurs and how it is managed in Belgium. Emphasis was placed on epidemiological data and data about the management. Method: Thirty-four diabetic foot clinics sampled the first 52 ...

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