Résultats de la recherche - 7 results
Cytogenetic Biomonitoring of the Mzamza Population Exposed to Untreated Wastewaters
Number 236 (2007) Keywords: Cytogenetic biomonitoring Micronucleus test Mitotic index Mzamza population Proliferation index wastewater Health Topics: Health and environment Santé et environnement ...
In Vitro Genotoxicity of Settat Town Landfill Leachate, Morocco
Toxicology, Volume 60, Issue 2, Number 184 (2009) Keywords: dose-effect lymphocyte micronucleus physico-chemical properties Proliferation index toxicity Health Topics: Health and environment Santé et ...
In Vitro Genotoxicity of Wastewaters from the Town of Settat, Morocco
Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Volume 60, Issue 2, Number 296 (2009) Keywords: Boumoussa heavy metals micronuclei physicochemical profi le Proliferation index Health Topics: Health and ...
DNA ploidy and nuclear morphometric variables for the evaluation of melanocytic tumors in dogs and cats.
The DNA content (index), nuclear diameter, ploidy balance, proliferation index, hyperploidy, and growth fraction (Ki67) were measured. Using 1-way ANOVA and a Pearson correlation test, the relationships ...
Proliferation, DNA ploidy, p53 overexpression and nuclear DNA fragmentation in six equine melanocytic tumours.
index, apoptotic index, DNA index, nuclear diameter, ploidy balance, proliferation index (Feulgen) and hyperploidy were analysed. The metastatic melanomas showed overexpression of p53 in a large portion of ...
PCNA and Ki67 proliferation markers as criteria for prediction of clinical behaviour of melanocytic tumours in cats and dogs.
predominant histological cell type, invasive growth and clinical outcome were recorded for each case. In addition, the proliferation (phase) index and growth fraction were measured, after bleaching, by means of ...
Successful treatment of an equine preputial fibrosarcoma using 5-fluorouracil/evaluation of the treatment using quantitative PCNA and Ki67 (MIB 1) immunostaining. (case report).
Animals Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic Fibrosarcoma Fluorouracil Horse Diseases Horses Ki-67 Antigen Male Penile Neoplasms Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen SKIN Skin Neoplasms Abstract: An 18-month-old ...