Résultats de la recherche - 142 results
Epidemiology of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases, Annual summary report 2023
vaccines available/present in the vaccination schedule do not protect against all serogroups/serotypes. In addition, changes or replacements of circulating serotypes/serogroups occur over time. In the case ...
Pitch Presentation 'RE-Place'
RIVM, Issue ZonMW & RIVM, Den Haag, The Netherlands (2024) Keywords: 3R animal testing Database Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies replacement Service: Risques chimiques et physiques ...
Advancing the Replacement of animal testing in Toxicology via the RE-Place platform
RE-Place replacement Toxicology Service: Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment Risques chimiques et physiques pour ...
Advancing stem cell research in Belgium through the RE-Place database
NAMs new approach methodologies RE-Place replacement Service: Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment Risques ...
RE-PLACE: a Belgian resource to promote applications in tissue engineering
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Mieke Van Mulders; Maude Everaert; Birgit Mertens; Vera Rogiers Source: 11th Belgian Symposium on Tissue Engineering themed 'From Tissue Engineering to Engineered Tissue', ...
Werelddierendag: kunnen we dierproeven ooit doen stoppen?
https://www.vub.be/nl/nieuws/werelddierendag-kunnen-we-dierproeven-ooit-doen-stoppen (2024) URL: https://www.vub.be/nl/nieuws/werelddierendag-kunnen-we-dierproeven-ooit-doen-stoppen Keywords: 3Rs animal testing Database RE-Place replacement Service: Évaluation des risques et de ...
Sphaeropsidin A C15-C16 Cross-Metathesis Analogues with Potent Anticancer Activity.
displayed by the original natural product. Herein, we describe the preparation and anticancer evaluation of fifteen novel C15, C16-alkene cross-metathesis analogues in which the pyrene moiety was replaced ...
RE-Place: a unique project collecting expertise on New Approach Methodologies
OLAW and AWIC, Online Symposium (2024) Keywords: 3Rs NAMs new approach methodologies RE-Place replacement Service: Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé Chemische en fysische ...
Exploring the use of NAMs in Belgium via the RE-Place project
Belgium (2024) Keywords: 3Rs alternative approaches animal testing Database NAMs replacement Service: Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé Chemische en fysische gezondheidsrisico's Chemical ...
Seven years of RE-Place: What is the status of the database today?
België (2024) Keywords: 3Rs alternative approaches animal testing Database NAMs RE-Place replacement Service: Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé Chemische en fysische gezondheidsrisico's ...