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- parasitologie
Résultats de la recherche - 48 results
Sensitivity of candling as routine method for the detection and recovery of ascaridoids in commercial fish fillets.
1 (2022) Keywords: Animals Anisakis Fish Diseases Fishes Food Parasitology seafood Abstract: Ascaridoids are one of the main parasitic hazards in commercial fish. Candling is the current industrial screening ...
Preliminary evaluation of different methods to detect and quantify Taenia eggs in sludge and water samples: A spiking experiment to assess recovery efficiency
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sophie De Bock; Inge Van Damme; Ganna Saelens; Zeng, Hang; Sandra Vangeenberghe; Gabriël, Sarah Source: Food and Waterborne Parasitology ...
High occurrence of Anisakidae at retail level in cod (Gadus morhua) belly flaps and the impact of extensive candling
Waterborne Parasitology, Volume 22 (2021) Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Imported malaria and artemisinin-based combination therapy failure in travellers returning to Belgium: A retrospective study.
were infrequent. Genetic analysis did not support parasitological resistance to ACT, suggesting prospective pharmacokinetic studies should assess adequacy of partner drug dosage and duration of treatment ...
Attribution of global foodborne disease to specific foods: Findings from a World Health Organization structured expert elicitation
Martyn D. Kirk; Robin J. Lake; Speybroeck, Niko; Torgerson, Paul; Hald, Tine Source: PLoS One, Volume 12, Issue 9, p.e0183641 (2017) Keywords: Animals Food Microbiology Food Parasitology Foodborne Diseases ...
Aspergillus tubingensis: a major filamentous fungus found in the airways of patients with lung disease
Itraconazole journal Laboratories Less Lung Mass Mass Spectrometry method Mycology Nose p parasitology Patient patients pattern pediatric period public public health Public-health Pulmonary Respiratory ...
Toxoplasma gondii in stranded marine mammals from the North Sea and Eastern Atlantic Ocean: Findings and diagnostic difficulties
Brownlow, Andrew; Davison, Nicholas; Haelters, Jan; Jauniaux, Thierry; Siebert, Ursula; Pierre Dorny Source: Veterinary Parasitology, Volume 230 (2016) Keywords: Agglutination Tests Animals Antibodies, ...
Evolutionary history and global spread of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing lineage20
Medicine microbiology Molecular Molecular biology Molecular Epidemiology Mutation Mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis national organization parasitology paris pathogen pathology pediatric Peru Phylogeny ...
Interferon-gamma expression and infectivity of Toxoplasma infected tissues in experimentally infected sheep in comparison with pigs36967
Muscle national parasitology period Pig Pigs PRODUCTS public public health Public-health qPCR recombinant Research Research Support response Responses result results risk SB- IM Science serum Service Sheep ...
Increased detection of Aedes albopictus in Belgium: no overwintering yet, but an intervention strategy is still lacking
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Deblauwe, Isra; Demeulemeester, Julie; Jacobus De Witte; Adam Hendy; Charlotte Sohier; Madder, Maxime Source: Parasitology Research, ...