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ethical of research

Résultats de la recherche - 16 results

How to Deal with Uninformed and Poorly Informed Opinions of Citizens? A Critical Approach to Online Public Engagement

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Chloé Mayeur; Heidi Mertes; Wannes Van Hoof Source: Citizen Science: theory and Practice (2024) Keywords: education ethics of research ...

Ethical approval for controlled human infectious model clinical trial protocols- A workshop report.

Ethical Approval for CHIM Clinical Trial Protocols”, which took place on May 30-31, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium. The event allowed CHIM researchers, regulators, ethics committee (EC) members, and ethicists ...

Citizen-centred approach to public engagement on the ELSI of health technologies

engagement; methods; transparency; trust; ethics Abstract: Citizen engagement on ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) of health technologies is a relatively recent but growing field with a wide variety of ...

Social inequalities and long-term health impact of COVID-19 in Belgium: protocol of the HELICON population data linkage

hospitalisation; and (2c) To validate the administrative COVID-19 reimbursement nomenclature. The analysis plan includes the calculation of absolute and relative risks using survival analysis methods. ETHICS AND ...

Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol

patients with COVID-19 by health systems across Europe and elsewhere. unCoVer aims to exploit the full potential of this information to rapidly address clinical and epidemiological research questions arising ...

Flanders and Brussels join forces to tackle animal testing

animal experiments.” It does so by promoting the use of non-animal testing methods by putting the emphasis on sharing knowledge, and by bringing together experts from institutions and research fields with each other. ...

Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol.

epidemiological research questions arising from the evolving pandemic. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, partners are gathering RWD from electronic health records currently including ...

My DNA, everybody's business? A citizen forum on the use of genomic information in society

negative attitude towards genomics will determine the societal support for the implementation of genomic technologies and individual willingness to participate in genomic screening, research and care. Every ...

Belgian citizens’ attitudes towards genomic data sharing. Results of the online DNA debate

with genomics. The trust and engagement of citizens concerning genomics and its ethical, legal and societal issues (ELSI) are thus critical. Sciensano set up an online DNA debate to investigate Belgian ...

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