Résultats de la recherche - 351 results

The OPTIMUS International Consensus Guidance for Monitoring User-Reported Outcomes of Opioid Maintenance Treatment: a Delphi Study

OMT, produceddraft guidance over multiple meetings. The guidance includes a service user-reported OMT out-comes questionnaire, based on 26 core questions, plus optional questions, in six domains ...

Establishing disease models for the Belgian national burden of disease study: challenges and perspectives

contains all cases. This parent node then gives rise to multiple “child nodes”, with the terminal child nodes representing the individual health states. In BeBOD, disease models and severity distributions ...

The burden of psoriasis in Belgium, 2021

to 13084 DALY s (113 DALY s per 100 000). The burden of psoriasis was in line with national disease burden estimates for bipolar disorder, multiple myeloma, and hearing loss. Our prevalence, YLD, and ...

The data layer: the importance of sources critical appraisal

misclassification-applying corrections for biases such as self-reported data and interpolating for missing entries. In some instances, a pooled estimate from multiple data sources is developed. A specific case will be ...

Contextual factors influencing the equitable implementation of precision medicine in routine cancer care in Belgium

individualized form of care, spanning multiple scientific disciplines including drug discovery, genomics, and health communication. This study aims to explore the contextual factors influencing the equitable ...

Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products

phylogenomic approaches. In most cases, analysis of 16 GMM-contaminated food enzyme products supported finding the same GM producer strains in different products, while often multiple GMM contaminations per ...

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024

what is the proportion of the disease burden attributed to one or multiple risk factors? The purpose of this report is to outline the general methodology used to tackle the objective of EB oD- FL and to ...

The GP infection barometer: Protocol of a real-time syndromic surveillance of multiple infectious diseases in primary care using electronic health records

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Nathalie Bossuyt; Mélanie Nahimana; Floriane Rouvez; S Moreels; Robrecht De Schreye; Sherihane Bensemmane Source: 99th EGPRN Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 17-20 October 2024, Volume Ab ...

Accuracy of immunological tests on serum and urine for diagnosis of Taenia solium neurocysticercosis: A systematic review

lectin-bound glycoprotein enzyme-linked immunoelectrotranfser blot seems to fulfill high accuracy standards regarding detection of parenchymal active multiple cysts; also antigen-detecting tests on serum and ...

Bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants in biota: A long-term evaluation in the Belgian part of the North Sea

bioaccumulated concentration in the tissue of multiple target organisms. In this study, the concentration of primary contaminants is determined in common starfish (Asterias rubens), flying crab (Liocarcinus ...

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