Résultats de la recherche - 1172 results
The OPTIMUS International Consensus Guidance for Monitoring User-Reported Outcomes of Opioid Maintenance Treatment: a Delphi Study
Tubelewicz, Piotr; Vanaga-Arāja, Diāna; Walley, Alexander Y.; Yiasemi, Ioanna; for the OPTIMUS study group Source: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2025) Keywords: Delphi Lived Experience ...
Unraveling social health inequalities during COVID-19 in Belgium: the vital role of data linkages
vulnerable population groups. Yet, considerable technical, administrative and data security issues have hindered the effectiveness of data linkages as a critical instrument during public health emergencies. ...
Unravelling COVID-19 social mortality patterns using conditional inference tree algorithm
first-generation migrants, and deprived SE groups experienced higher odds of dying from COVID-19 compared to survival; living in collectivities was identified by the CIT as the strongest predictor followed by age ...
Contextual factors influencing the equitable implementation of precision medicine in routine cancer care in Belgium
factors, identified through a comprehensive literature review and validated by a multidisciplinary group at the Belgian Cancer Center, Sciensano. An expert survey further assesses the importance and ...
Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products
contaminations were detected, identifying a group of samples with a conspicuously similar contamination profile, which suggested that these samples originated from the same production facility or batch. Together, ...
Psychological distress and online advice-seeking in times of COVID-19: vertical and horizontal equity of an e-mental health strategy
We used logistic regression to compare the association between psychological distress and online advice-seeking across waves and sociodemographic groups. Results: 29% of the respondents sought online ...
The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics
phylogenomic analysis of the Gloeobacterales order, the first group to diverge in the evolutionary tree of Cyanobacteria. Conclusion: The GEN- ERA toolbox can be used to infer completely reproducible comparative ...
Excess mortality among native Belgians and migrant groups in Belgium during the first three COVID-19 waves: the evolving dynamics of social inequalities
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vanthomme, Katrien; Gadeyne, Sylvie; Devleesschauwer, Brecht; Laura Van den Borre Source: Journal of Public Health (2023) Health Topics: Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et ...
Metabolic health in people living with type 1 diabetes in Belgium: a repeated cross-sectional study
An-Sofie; Nobels, Frank; Mathieu, Chantal; on behalf of the IQED Group of Experts Source: Diabetologia (2024) Health Topics: Diabetes Quality of healthcare Diabète Diabetes Qualité des soins de santé ...
COVID-19 mortality statistics: a comparative study of epidemiological surveillance data and death certificates in 2020 in Belgium
probabilistically to explore overall coverages and discrepancies. Factors such as region and place of death, case classification, epidemic wave, age group, sex, and number of conditions, were analysed using logistic ...