Last updated on 12-12-2020 by Kim Van Roey
Peer reviewed scientific article
Sandra Orchard; Mais Ammari; Bruno Aranda; Lionel Breuza; Leonardo Briganti; Fiona Broackes-Carter; Nancy H Campbell; Chavali, Gayatri; Carol Chen; Noemi del-Toro; Margaret Duesbury; Marine Dumousseau; Eugenia Galeota; Ursula Hinz; Marta Iannuccelli; Sruthi Jagannathan; Rafael Jimenez; Jyoti Khadake; Astrid Lagreid; Luana Licata; Ruth C Lovering; Birgit Meldal; Anna N Melidoni; Mila Milagros; Daniele Peluso; Livia Perfetto; Pablo Porras; Raghunath, Arathi; Sylvie Ricard-Blum; Bernd Roechert; Andre Stutz; Michael Tognolli; Kim Van Roey; Gianni Cesareni; Henning HermjakobMots-clés
IntAct (freely available at is an open-source, open data molecular interaction database populated by data either curated from the literature or from direct data depositions. IntAct has developed a sophisticated web-based curation tool, capable of supporting both IMEx- and MIMIx-level curation. This tool is now utilized by multiple additional curation teams, all of whom annotate data directly into the IntAct database. Members of the IntAct team supply appropriate levels of training, perform quality control on entries and take responsibility for long-term data mai…