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Filtres: Auteur is Maarten Degreef
Activity-based detection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in plant materials, Timmerman, Axelle, Balcaen Margot, Coopman Vera, Degreef Maarten, Pottie Eline, and Stove Christophe , Harm Reduct J., (2024)
The drug situation in Belgium in 2022. Annual report from the Belgian REITOX network, Antoine, Jérôme, Balcaen Margot, Degreef Maarten, Fernandez Kim, Gremeaux L., Plettinckx E, and Van Baelen L , 12/01/2024, Brussels, p.227, (2024)
Evaluation of an electrochemical sensor and comparison with spectroscopic approaches as used today in practice for harm reduction in a festival setting—A case study: Analysis of 3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine samplesAbstract, Deconinck, Eric, Polet Marie, Canfyn Michael, Duchateau Céline, De Braekeleer Kris, Van Echelpoel Robin, De Wael Karolien, Gremeaux L., Degreef Maarten, and Balcaen Margot , Drug Testing and Analysis, Jan-09-2024, Volume 16, Issue 9, (2024)
Expert report on FLAKKA, Degreef, Maarten, Balcaen Margot, Antoine Jérôme, and Van Baelen L , 20/02/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.17, (2024)
Impact in Belgium of the ban on opium production in Afghanistan. Workshop report: Foresight exercise with scenario development, Cosgrove, Shona, Hauspie Bert, Balcaen Margot, Van Baelen L, Antoine Jérôme, Degreef Maarten, and Plettinckx E , 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.25, (2024)

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