Résultats de la recherche - 319 results

Consensus numbering system for the rifampicin resistance-associated rpoB gene mutations in pathogenic mycobacteria.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: E André; Goeminne, L; Cabibbe, A; Beckert, P; B Kabamba Mukadi; Vanessa Mathys; Gagneux, S; Niemann, S; Van Ingen, J; Cambau, E Source: ...

Travel- and community-based transmission of multidrug-resistant Shigella sonnei lineage among international orthodox jewish communities

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Baker,K.S.; Dallman,T.J.; Behar,A.; Weill,F.X.; Gouali,M.; Sobel,J.; Fookes,M.; Valinsky,L.; Gal-Mor,O.; Connor,T.R.; Nissan,I.; Sophie ...

Rapport thématique. Maladies infectieuses liées à la consommation, 2014, Belgique. Tendances épidémiologiques.

Verhaegen; Delmée, Michel; Laurence Delbrassinne; Sarah Denayer; Katelijne Dierick; Melin,P.; Van Esbroeck, Marjan; Vandenberg, Olivier; N Botteldoorn; Veronik Hutse; Sophie Quoilin Source: WIV-ISP, Bruxelles, ...

High coverage metabolomics analysis reveals phage-specific alterations to Pseudomonas aeruginosa physiology during infection.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: De Smet, Jeroen; Zimmermann, Michael; Kogadeeva, Maria; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens; Vermaelen, Wesley; Blasdel, Bob; Bin Jang, Ho; Sauer, Uwe; ...

Structural elucidation of a novel mechanism for the bacteriophage-based inhibition of the RNA degradosome.

Maeyer, Marc; Aertsen, Abram; Noben, Jean-Paul; Luisi, Ben F; Lavigne, Rob Source: Elife, Volume 5 (2016) Keywords: Binding Sites Crystallography, X-Ray Endoribonucleases Host-Parasite Interactions Models, ...

External quality assessment for tuberculosis diagnosis and drug resistance in the European Union: A five year multicentre implementation study

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: V Nikolayevskyy; Hillemann,D.; Richter,E.; Ahmed,N.; van der Werf,M.J.; Kodmon,C.; Drobniewski,F.; Ruesch-Gerdes,S. Source: PLoS.One., ...

Development of Luminex assays for identification of antimicrobial resistance genes.

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Pieter-Jan Ceyssens; Sophie Bertrand; i3S meeting Source: i3S meeting, Issue i3S meeting (2016) Keywords: Antimicrobial ...

Evolution des espèces mycobactériennes identifiées au CNR au cours du temps.

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Vanessa Mathys; FARES-VRGT Source: Réunion des laboratoires du réseau de surveillance de la (multi)résistance., Issue FARES ...

Infections mycobactériennes chez l'homme et l'animal

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Vanessa Mathys; David Fretin Source: One Health Seminar, NA, Issue WIV-ISP, NA (2016) Keywords: ET health INFECTION ...

Mycobacteria: interactions between human, animals and environment

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Vanessa Mathys Source: FSVEE study day, NA, Issue KULeuven, NA (2016) Keywords: Animal Animals environment Human interaction ...

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