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Résultats de la recherche - 422 results

Decreasing rates of major lower-extremity amputation in people with diabetes but not in those without: a nationwide study in Belgium.

Data for 2009-2013 were provided by the Belgian national health insurance funds, covering more than 99% of the Belgian population (about 11 million people). We estimated the age-sex standardised annual ...

Complete Coding Sequences of One H9 and Three H7 Low-Pathogenic Influenza Viruses Circulating in Wild Birds in Belgium, 2009 to 2012

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Steven Van Borm; Rosseel, Toon; Sylvie Marché; Mieke Steensels; Vangeluwe, Didier; Linden, Annick; Thierry van den Berg; Bénédicte Lambrecht Source: Genome Announcements, Volume 4, Issue 3 (2016) ...

Annual report Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry 2016

been a steady 14 Summ ar y increase in the prevalence of Achromobacter xylosoxidans from 5.9% in 2009 stabilizing at prevalence levels above 10.0% since 2012. Thanks to improved disease management ...

Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: Projected impacts and implications for prevention.

temperature and mortality, as well as with hospital admissions for the period 2009-2013, and estimated the projected mortality in the near future and far future periods under changing climate and population, ...

Meropenem-clavulanate for drug-resistant tuberculosis: a follow-up of relapse-free cases.

drug-resistant TB patients who received M/Clav as part of their treatment from 2009 to 2016 were included. Demographic and clinical data were extracted from medical records. RESULTS: Eighteen XDR- TB patients were ...

Secular trends in incidence of acute gastroenteritis in general practice, France, 1991 to 2015.

2009. The incidence reported by GP s and emergency departments was lower following the emergence of norovirus GII.4 2012 (p < 0.0001). Winter AG incidences seem to follow long-term rising and ...

Oral vaccination of wildlife using a vaccinia-rabies-glycoprotein recombinant virus vaccine (RABORAL V-RG(®)): a global review.

case reported in a cow during 2009. A long-term ORV barrier program in the USA using RABORAL V- RG is preventing substantial geographic expansion of the raccoon rabies virus variant. RABORAL V- RG has ...

Pregnancy outcome after cervical conisation: A 2nd retrospective cohort study in the Leuven University Hospital.

Hospital of Leuven in 2009, which database we enriched with information on the cone dimensions. Main outcome variables were gestational age at delivery, birthweight and neonatal condition at birth. RESULTS: ...

Comparative Tick-Borne Encephalitis (Virus) Surveillance in Belgium 2009-2015: Experiences with Diagnostic Tests, Sentinel Species and Surveillance Designs

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sophie Roelandt; Vanessa Suin; Steven Van Gucht; Yves Van der Stede; S. Roels Source: Journal of Zoonotic Diseases and Public Health, Volume 1, Issue 4 (2017) Keywords: Tick-borne encephalitis (v ...

Income-related inequality in smoking cessation among adult patients with cardiovascular disease: a 5-year follow-up of an angiography intervention in Luxembourg.

conducted in 2013/2014 among 4391 patients (of which 1001 patients were smokers) at the time of coronary angiography in 2008/2009. Four logistic regression models were applied. In three models, the predictor ...

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