Résultats de la recherche - 645 results
Epidemiologische surveillance van invasieve meningokokkeninfecties, Neisseria Meningitidis- 2023
Theeten Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.15 (2024) Abstract: Belangrijkste boodschappen Sinds 2008 tot 2019 (pre-covid-19) schommelt het aantal door het Nationaal Referentiecentrum bevestigde ...
Surveillance épidémiologique des infections invasives à méningocoques, Neisseria Meningitidis- 2023
jusqu’en 2019 (pré-covid-19). Après un nombre de cas plus faible entre 2020 et 2022, 84 cas ont été enregistrés par le CNR méningocoque en 2023. De leur côté, les services en charge de la déclaration ...
Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 among primary healthcare providers in Belgium during 1 year of the COVID-19 epidemic: prospective cohort study protocol
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Niels Adriaenssens; Beatrice Scholtes; Bruyndonckx, Robin; Jan Y Verbakel; An De Sutter; Stefan Heytens; Ann Van Den Bruel; I Desombere; Van Damme, Pierre; Goossens, Herman; Laëtitia Buret; Els D ...
Translating the COVID-19 epidemiological situation into policies and measures: the Belgian experience.
Molenberghs, Geert; Sans, Jasper; van de Konijnenburg, Cecile; Van der Borght, Stefaan; Brondeel, Ruben; Stassijns, Jorgen; Tinne Lernout Source: Front Public Health, Volume 12 (2024) Keywords: Belgium COVID-19 ...
Assessing the Differences in Outpatient Antibiotic Consumption Between Reimbursement and Sales Data in Belgium, 2013-2022
antibacterials for systemic use (J01) • J01 antibacterial sales declined from 22.89 DID in 2013 to 20.50 DID in 2022 (-10.4%), with and a notable deviation during the Covid-19 pandemic – dropping from 21.31 DID in ...
Outpatient Antibiotic Consumption Trends in Belgium: A Comparative Analysis of Reimbursement and Sales Data, 2013-2022
antibacterial sales declined from 22.89 DID in 2013 to 20.50 DID in 2022 (-10.4%), with and a notable deviation during the Covid-19 pandemic – dropping from 21.31 DID in 2019 to 16.55 in 2020 (-22.3%) (Figure 2, ...
Characterization of functional nanoparticles applied in face masks by STEM-EDX
create textiles with enhanced fabric properties, a trend exemplified within the production of face masks since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The use of silver (Ag) is advertised in several ...
Real-time cluster detection to enhance outbreak investigation in Belgium
(UI-492), while the lower number in 2020 (0.47) was probably linked to the Covid-pandemic. Although the number of perinatal cases has been stable, varying between 5 to 10 cases per year, a peak of 16 cases ...
Epidemiologische surveillance van invasieve pneumokokkeninfecties (IPD)- 2023
daarom terug naar PCV13 overgeschakeld, het vaccin dat tot op heden in het basisvaccinatieschema opgenomen is. • Na de COVID-19 pandemie, waarbij een sterke daling in IPD gevallen werd waargenomen, zien we ...
Surveillance épidémiologique des infections invasives à pneumocoques- 2023
• Après la pandémie du COVID-19, où une forte diminution des cas d’ IPD a été observée, nous constatons de nouveau une forte augmentation du nombre de cas, avec 1746 cas rapportés par le CNR en 2023. • Le ...