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Résultats de la recherche - 50 results

ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics: An interesting tool to discriminate and characterize counterfeit medicines.

evaluation of suspected samples. This study proposes a combination of ATR- FTIR and chemometrics to discriminate and classify counterfeit medicines. A sample set, containing 209 samples in total, was analyzed ...

Detection of sibutramine in adulterated dietary supplements using attenuated total reflectance-infrared spectroscopy.

adulterated dietary supplements. Data interpretation was performed using different basic chemometric techniques. It was found that the use of ATR- IR combined with the k-Nearest Neighbours (k- NN) was able to ...

Detection of whitening agents in illegal cosmetics using attenuated total reflectance-infrared spectroscopy.

attenuated total reflectance-infrared (ATR- IR) spectroscopy, combined with chemometrics, was evaluated for that purpose. It was found that the combination of ATR- IR with the simple chemometric technique ...

Headspace-gas chromatographic fingerprints to discriminate and classify counterfeit medicines.

components, like residual solvents, becomes more important. Assessment of residual solvent content and chemometric analysis of fingerprints might be useful in the discrimination between genuine and counterfeit ...

Chemometrics and chromatographic fingerprints to discriminate and classify counterfeit medicines containing PDE-5 inhibitors.

chemometric techniques were applied to reveal structures in the data sets as well as differences among the samples. The focus was on the differentiation between genuine and counterfeit samples and on the ...

Classification trees based on infrared spectroscopic data to discriminate between genuine and counterfeit medicines

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Eric Deconinck; P.Y. Sacré; Coomans,D.; J. De Beer Source: Chemometrics In Analytical Chemistry 2012, NA, Issue Hungarian ...

Characterisation of reversed-phase liquid chromatographic columns by chromatographic tests. Rational column classification by a minimal number of column test parameters

carried out on 69 reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP- LC) columns. This paper focuses on the classification of RP- LC stationary phases based on chromatographic parameters. A chemometric study was ...

Minimal number of chromatographic test parameters for the characterisation of reversed-phase liquid chromatographic stationary phases

classification or differentiation of RP- HPLC columns based on measured chromatographic properties. A chemometric study has been conducted on a published data set consisting of 85 RP- HPLC columns and on a data ...

Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp. according to

models, hyphenating spectroscopic techniques and chemometrics, enable to discriminate legal and illegal cannabis samples according to European and Swiss laws. Health Topics:  Cannabis (marijuana, hash, THC, CBD) ...

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Conformity Analysis of e-Liquids: Illegal Additive Detection and Nicotine Characterization

1 (2024) Keywords: e-liquids; spectroscopic techniques; chemometric techniques; data analysis Abstract: Vaping electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has become a popular alternative to smoking tobacco. When ...

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