Résultats de la recherche - 546 results
Strategy for the identification of micro-organisms producing food and feed products: Bacteria producing food enzymes as study case
regulations require safety assessments of food enzymes (FE) before their commercialization. FE are mainly produced by micro-organisms, whose viable strains nor associated DNA can be present in the final ...
Detection strategy targeting a chloramphenicol resistance gene from genetically modified bacteria in food and feed products
associated recombinant DNA. Although the use of AMR genes gives rise to public health and environmental concerns regarding their potential acquisitions by pathogens and gut microbiota, no method targeting AMR ...
Increased surface area of halloysite nanotubes due to surface modification predicts lung inflammation and acute phase response after pulmonary exposure in mice
by the alkaline comet assay as DNA strand breaks in BAL cells, lung and liver tissue. The etched HNT (NN-etched) had 4–5 times larger BET surface area than the unmodified HNT (NN). Instillation of ...
DNA debate. An online public engagement initiative
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Chloé Mayeur; Wannes Van Hoof Source: European Journal of Public Health, Oxford University Press, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_5, p.ckaa165- 808 (2020) ISBN: 1101-1262 Category: A1 FOS Classifica ...
My DNA, whose business is it anyway? A Citizen Forum on the Societal Impact of Genomics
Publication Type: Conference Paper Authors: Wannes Van Hoof; Chloé Mayeur Source: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, SPRINGERNATURE CAMPUS, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON, N1 9XW, ENGLAND, Volume 28, Issue SUPPL 1, p.8- 9 (2020) ISBN: 1018-4813 Category: A1 FOS Cl ...
Targeting the 16S rRNA gene for bacterial identification in complex mixed samples: comparative evaluation of second (Illumina) and third (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) generation sequencing technologies.
Keersmaecker; Kevin Vanneste Source: Int J Mol Sci, Volume 21, Issue 1 (2019) Keywords: bacteria DNA, Bacterial High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing Nanopores RNA, Ribosomal, 16S Abstract: Rapid, accurate ...
Species Distinction in the Trichophyton rubrum Complex.
of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA barcode gene. On average, strains within each group were similar by colony appearance, microscopy, and physiology, but strains between groups ...
Public microbial resources centres: key hubs for FAIR microorganisms and genetic materials.
DNA libraries) to support new discoveries and follow-on studies. These culture collections play a central role in the conservation of microbial biodiversity and have expertise in cultivation, ...
Dual DNA Barcoding for the Molecular Identification of the Agents of Invasive Fungal Infections.
culture-dependent methods toward molecular techniques, including DNA barcoding, a highly efficient and widely used diagnostic technique. Fungal DNA barcoding previously relied on a single barcoding region, the ...
Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: Identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population
results were obtained, including further evidence that highly alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH s) (which are important constituents of the MOAH fraction) are not metabolized into DNA ...