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Résultats de la recherche - 370 results

Towards a new (H)ERA: Preparedness for outbreak detection and response

Commission established the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). Generally, it aims to strengthen the European Health Union by improving preparedness and response to future ...

VALCOR: a protocol for the validation of SARS-corona virus-2 assays.

SARS-CoV-2 sequences provided by established competent agencies that produce reference materials for the assessment of the limit of detection of each assay. The panel of samples are sent from a central ...

Reliable and Scalable SARS-CoV-2 qPCR Testing at a High Sample Throughput: Lessons Learned from the Belgian Initiative.

Capron; Hugues Malonne; J Poels; Emmanuel André Source: Life (Basel), Volume 12, Issue 2 (2022) Abstract: We present our approach to rapidly establishing a standardized, multi-site, nation-wide COVID-19 ...

Integrating technical and political views for a sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health.

an integrated and sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIP oH) for research and evidence-informed policy-making. METHODS: InfAct established two main boards, the ...

Estimating risk factor attributable burden – challenges and potential solutions when using the comparative risk assessment methodology

of input and process data in CRA a necessary prerequisite. The evidence for causality between included risk-outcome pairs has to be well established to inform public health practice. Health Topics:  ...

Opportunities for a population-based cohort in Belgium

– i.e., to facilitate the establishment of administrative linkages, increase digitalisation, secure long-term financial and organisational efforts, establish a consortium of the willing, and identify and ...

VALCOR: a protocol for the validation of SARS-corona virus-2 assays

subjects not carrying SARS-CoV-2. Artificial specimens include calibrated amounts of viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2 sequences provided by established competent agencies that produce reference materials for the ...

Assessment of information as regards the toxicity of fumonisins for pigs, poultry and horses

fumonisins, their modified forms and hidden forms in feed. A no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 1 mg/kg feed was established for pigs. In poultry a NOAEL of 20 mg/kg feed and in horses a reference ...

Evaluation of the risks for animal health related to the presence of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in feed for honey bees

A benchmark dose lower limit 10% (BMDL10) of 1.16 μg HMF per bee per day has been calculated from mortalities observed in a 20‐day study and established as a Reference Point covering also mortality in larvae, ...

Assessment of the control measures for category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Lumpy Skin Disease

available, itwas concluded that the protection zone of 20 km radius and the surveillance zone of 50 km radiuswould comprise>99% of the transmission from an affected establishment if transmission ...

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