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Résultats de la recherche - 835 results
Strain-level characterization without culture enrichment? Easing and accelerating outbreak investigation using shotgun metagenomics facilitated with nanopore adaptive sampling
adaptive sampling, following whole genome amplification to increase the amount of genetic material to meet sequencing standards. The strain-level data analysis was performed as previously described (Buytaers ...
The Belgian physiotherapy reimbursement criteria for fall prevention fails in screening appropriately fall-prone community-dwelling older adults
adults (mean age 76 years ±7.4, 35% male). Thirty-nine participants experienced at least one fall in the 8 month follow up. Lusardi’s approach has a higher sensitivity score (89.7% compared to 10.3%) and ...
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers: study protocol for the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study
using a similar study design with harmonized measures to capture data on COVID-19 related exposures and variables of interest during two years of follow-up. Exposures include potential stressors related ...
EFSA Project on the use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the hazard assessment of nanofibres. Lot 1, nanocellulose oral exposure: gastrointestinal digestion, nanofibres uptake and local effects
indications for genotoxicity were obtained. Finally, no formation of smaller particles following colonic fermentation of NC was observed. For the integration of these results in regulatory hazard assessment of ...
Vaccine effectiveness of the second and third COVID-19 boosters in Belgium (administered during 2022 autumn campaign)
COVID-19 was rolled out to the adult population in Belgium, followed by the first booster campaign towards the end of the year. At the beginning of 2022, booster doses were recommended and offered to people ...
Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
any HPV and 21% (18-24) for HR- HPV. HPV-16 was the most prevalent HPV genotype (5%, 95% CI 4-7) followed by HPV-6 (4%, 3-5). HPV prevalence was high in young adults, reaching a maximum between the ages ...
Investigating years of life lost in Belgium, 2004-2019: A comprehensive analysis using a probabilistic redistribution approach
majority was redistributed using predefined ICD codes (14-15%), followed by the redistribution using multiple causes of death data (10-12%). The total number of SEYLL decreased from 1.83 to 1.73 million per ...
The burden of breast, cervical, and colon and rectum cancer in the Balkan countries, 1990-2019 and forecast to 2030
region, cancers are the second leading cause of mortality, closely following circulatory system diseases. OBJECTIVE: To describe trends in the burden of breast, cervical, and colon and rectum cancer in the ...
Animal sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in humans: a systematic review
outcome measures they reported. The most frequently addressed animal source was chicken, followed by cattle and pigs. Most studies investigated bacteria-resistance combinations. Overall, studies on the ...
Lumpy Skin Disease: A Systematic Review of Mode of Transmission, Risk of Emergence and Risk Entry Pathway.
40 years, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses statement guidelines were followed, via two databases, i.e., PubMed (biomedical literature) and Scopus (peer-reviewed ...