Résultats de la recherche - 3368 results
The importance of including a mental health dimension in a multimorbidity indicator: an analysis of Belgian health survey data.
Multimorbidity is a rising public health concern. Indicators that address these complex health conditions are often exclusively devoted to physical diseases. Because of their high disease burden, mental health ...
De TDI-registratie in België- Jaarlijks rapport, registratiejaar 2023
het gebruik van alcohol of illegale drugs. Dit aantal is stabiel tussen 2015 en 2023. • In Vlaanderen is cannabis na alcohol de meest voorkomende substantie waarvoor behandeling wordt gevraagd. Het ...
COVID-19 mortality statistics: a comparative study of epidemiological surveillance data and death certificates in 2020 in Belgium
delay in availability of the cause of death database (COD). Understanding differences and limitations in both databases is crucial for contextualising COVID-19 mortality statistics. This study assesses ...
Epidemiologie van infectiezieken die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Samenvattend jaarverslag 2023
Brussels, Belgium, p.16 (2024) Accession Number: D/2024.14.440/81 Abstract: De epidemiologie van de infectieziekten waartegen de vaccins gericht zijn, is sterk veranderd sinds de introductie van de Belgische ...
Epidemiology of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases, Annual summary report 2023
coverage is still too low. More than half the cases were unvaccinated, and one in four people had no information about their vaccination status. Belgium, like other European countries and the WHO, is ...
Urban green space, human heat perception and sleep quality: A repeated cross-sectional study.
significant challenges to public health, as exposure to high temperatures is associated to heat stress, resulting in heat strain, sleep deprivation, and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. As the frequency ...
bij de algemene als de doelpopulatie significant af. Uit de resultaten is gebleken dat het aandeel patiënten met overgewicht sinds 2008 toeneemt. Volgens het OESO-rapport van 2019 werd deze trend echter ...
EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)
oncDST Oncology Decision Support Tools personalized medicine Precision Oncology public health genomics Abstract: This deliverable, titled D10.1 EU-oncDST, is one of the outcomes of Work Package 10 (WP10) ...
Epidemiologische surveillance van mazelen (Morbillivirus)- 2023
van infectieziekten Abstract: Mazelen is één van de meest besmettelijke infectieziekten met soms ernstige complicaties. Alle Europese landen engageerden zich in samenwerking met de ...
Women’s health report for Belgium: addressing the information gap
status in Belgium routinely present information disaggregated by sex. Nevertheless, there is a need to go further than a mere comparison of men and women and strive for gender-sensitive health reporting. ...