Résultats de la recherche - 60 results
Identification of potential migrants from printing inks used on paper and board food contact materials
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Els Van Hoeck; Evrard,C.; N'Goy,T.; Joris Van Loco; F. Bolle Source: 5th International symposium on food packaging: ...
Development of qPCR screening methods to be used in a combinatory system to detect food-borne pathogens
Pasteur and Institut Pasteur International Network: Challenges in Global Health: Opportunities for Institut Pasteur International Network, NA, Issue Réseau International des Institut Pasteur, NA, p.59 ...
Determination of ethylene and propylene thiourea (dithiocarbamates metabolites) in fruit and vegetables by UPLC-MS/MS
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: A. Bonnechère; V. Hanot; Joris Van Loco Source: International Symposium Mass Spectrometry in Food and Feed, NA, Issue KVCV, ...
Benzene frequently found in foods. Do we underestimate the exposure to benzene from the food chain?
Effost Conference Food and health, NA, Issue International Union of Food Science and Technology, NA (2010) Keywords: benzene conference exposure food Food Chain Foods health Health Topics: Food ...
Determination of benzene in different food matrixes by distillation and isotope dilution HS-GC/MS
international Symposium in Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), NA, Issue international Association of environmental analytical chemistry, NA (2009) Keywords: analysis benzene Distillation food Food Analysis ...
Use of pJANUS-02-001 as calibrator plasmid for GTS40-3-2 (Roundup Ready soybean) detection: an inter-laboratory trial assessment
Co-extra International Congress, NA, Issue Co-extra project committee, NA (2009) Keywords: an AS assessment Co-Extra Congresses detection International Soybean use Health Topics: Food consumption and food ...
Towards an integrated Real-Time Q-PCR platform for GMO detection at low level presence
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: A. Lievens; Amaya Leunda; Piednoir,E.; Myriam Sneyers; Marc Van den Bulcke Source: Co-extra International Congress, NA, Issue ...
Modular Approach Implemented: Pros, Cons and Future Perspectives
Malcewsky,A.; Mazzara,M.; Onori,R.; N. Papazova; Parlouer,E; Isabel Taverniers; Wulff,D.; Zhang,D. Source: Co-extra International Congress, NA, Issue Co-extra International Congress, NA (2009) Keywords: approach ...
A modified sample preparation for acrylamide determination in cocoa and coffee products
using acrylamide- D3 as internal standard. For identification and confirmation of acrylamide, relative retention time and two diagnostic ions were monitored. Good performance of the method was achieved by ...
Optimisation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of acrylamide in foods
chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry analysis on a µBondapak C18 column using d3-acrylamide as internal standard. For identification, relative retention time and two diagnostic ions were monitored. ...