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Résultats de la recherche - 62 results

Surmortalité durant la 1re et 2e vague de l'épidémie de COVID-19 en Belgique

Fierens; Aline Scohy; Maarten Vanhaverbeke; Melissa Vermeulen; Catharina Vernemmen; Johan Van der Heyden Source: p.48 (2021) Accession Number: D/2021/14.440/63 Keywords: Be-MOMO Coronavirus COVID-19 ...

Excess mortality during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium

Fierens; Aline Scohy; Maarten Vanhaverbeke; Melissa Vermeulen; Catharina Vernemmen; Johan Van der Heyden Source: Sciensano, Belgium, p.48 (2021) Accession Number: D/2021/14.440/62 Keywords: Be-MOMO ...

Surveillance des infections à influenza. Rapport épidémiologique saison 2018-2019

Vermeulen Source: Sciensano, Bruxelles (2021) Accession Number: D/2019/14.440/103 Keywords: Grippe ILI infections respiratoires INFLUENZA SARI Health Topics:  Flu Griep Grippe Service:  Épidémiologie des ...

Surveillance van griepinfecties. Epidemiologisch rapport seizoen 2018-2019

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Nathalie Bossuyt; Isabelle Thomas; Cyril Barbezange; Dieter Van Cauteren; Melissa Vermeulen; Natalia Bustos ...

Development of a multiplex immunoassay for simultaneous detection of antigens in DTaP vaccines

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Maxime Vermeulen; Isabelle Feck; Alexandre Dobly Source: Global Conference on Vaccine Research and Developpment, PAGES, ...

HPV DNA genotyping, HPV E6*I mRNA detection, and p16INK4a/Ki-67 staining in Belgian head and neck cancer patient specimens, collected within the HPV-AHEAD study

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cindy Simoens; Gorbaslieva, Ivana; Gheit, Tarik; Holzinger, Dana; Lucas, Eric; Ridder, Ruediger; Rehm, Susanne; Vermeulen, Peter; Lammens, ...

Diagnostic testing in myeloid malignancies by next-generation sequencing: recommendations from the commission personalised medicine

P Vandenberghe; Karl Vandepoele; P Vannuffel; T Venken; K Vermeulen Source: Belgian Journal of Hematology, Volume 10, Issue 6, Number 249 (2019) Abstract: Molecular diagnostics have an increasing impact on ...

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