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Résultats de la recherche - 9 results

Guidance in selecting analytical techniques for identification and quantification of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in food contact materials (FCMS)

Source: Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, Volume 39, Issue 3 (2022) Keywords: chromatographic methods food contact materials Food Packaging Migration NIAS non-intentionally added substances ...

Staphylococcal enterotoxin gene cluster: prediction of enterotoxin (SEG and SEI) production and of the source of food poisoning based on Saβ typing.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: L Schwendimann; D Merda; T Berger; Sarah Denayer; Tarisse C Feraudet; A J Kläui; S Messio; M Y Mistou; Y Nia; J A Hennekinne; H U Graber ...

Food-Borne Outbreak Investigation and Molecular Typing: High Diversity of Staphylococcus aureus Strains and Importance of Toxin Detection

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sarah Denayer; Laurence Delbrassinne; Yacine Nia; N Botteldoorn Source: Toxins, Volume 9, Issue 12 (2017) Keywords: pulsed-field gel ...

Reduced virulence of a pseudorabies virus isolate from wild boar origin in domestic pigs correlates with hampered visceral spread and age-dependent reduced neuroinvasive capacity.

virulence of the wild boar strain, compared to what was previously reported for the virulent domestic NIA3 strain, is due to a severely hampered spread to visceral organs in pigs of both age categories and to ...

Age-Dependent Differences in Pseudorabies Virus Neuropathogenesis and Associated Cytokine Expression.

induced by pseudorabies virus (PRV) infection of its natural host is inversely related to the age of the pig. During this study, 2- and 15-week-old pigs were inoculated with PRV strain NIA3. This resulted ...

Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudorabies Virus Reference Strain NIA3 Using Single-Molecule Real-Time Sequencing.

pathway studies. We present here the complete genome of the virulent wild-type PRV reference strain NIA3, determined by single-molecule real-time sequencing. Health Topics:  Animal health Manuscript ...

Age- and strain-dependent differences in the outcome of experimental infections of domestic pigs with wild boar pseudorabies virus isolates.

for wild boar strains circulating in south-western and central Europe and the virulent NIA3 reference strain was performed in 2- and 15-week-old domestic pigs. Our study revealed an attenuated nature of ...

Pseudorabies virus isolates from domestic pigs and wild boars show no apparent in vitro differences in replication kinetics and sensitivity to interferon-induced antiviral status.

differences in virulence are, however, lacking. Different virulence determinants that can be assessed in vitro were determined for five domestic swine strains, four wild boar strains and the NIA3 reference ...

Combined untargeted screenings of substances migrating from emerging food contact materials

on Environmental & Food Monitoring (ISEAC), Issue International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Amsterdam (2023) Keywords: food contact materials iAs Migration NIAS untargeted ...

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