Résultats de la recherche - 1131 results

Prevalence of drug use before and during imprisonment in seven European countries (2014–2018)

Journal of Community Psychology (2023) Abstract: Substance use is a global phenomenon that is particularly affecting the prison population. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of drug use among ...

Caring for all? Biases, ethnicity, and mental health care: the case of general practice

migratory diversity. However, migrant and ethnic minority populations continue to exhibit higher rates of mental health disorders, such as depression. How can these differences be explained? Beyond ...

Psychosocial factors associated with health-related quality of life in patients with chronic disease: Results of a cross-sectional survey

revealed interesting associations of the modifiable psychosocial factors of illness perceptions and sense of coherence with HRQ oL in a population of chronically ill persons. Given that the burden of chronic ...

Benefits and harms of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies in women living with HIV.

living with HIV have 6-times the risk of cervical cancer compared to women in the general population, and we harnessed a model platform (‘Policy1-Cervix- HIV ’) to evaluate the benefits and harms of ...

Clinical Accuracy of Alinity m HR HPV Assay on Self- versus Clinician-Taken Samples Using the VALHUDES Protocol.

HPV assay in a colposcopy referral population. Home-collected FVU (Colli-Pee FV 5020) 1 day before colposcopy (n = 492), at-clinic collected dry vaginal self-samples [multi-Collect Swab (mC; n = 493), ...

Benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies for women in the general population.

lower-middle-income countries (LMIC s) for the general population of women. Assuming 70% coverage, we found that primary human papillomavirus (HPV) screening approaches were the most effective and cost-effective, ...

PRRSV-Vaccinated, Seronegative Sows and Maternally Derived Antibodies (I): Impact on PRRSV-1 Challenge Outcomes in Piglets.

(= 36) originated from a Belgian farrow-to-finish herd in which the sow population was routinely vaccinated with a modified live vaccine against PRRSV. Eighteen piglets were born from three ...

Urine concentrations of Arsenic and its species in adolescents from Wallonia (Belgium).

its species in a representative sample of adolescents of the Walloon population in Belgium. We examined the associations of As and its species with habitual intakes of fish and rice and other possible ...

Pollutant exposure and myocardial injury: Protocol and progress report for a toxicological systematic mapping review.

while CVD incidence rises steadily with the aging population. Although numerous experimental studies are now available, the mechanisms through which lifetime exposure to environmental pollutants can ...

HPV testing in Polish population-based cervical cancer screening programme (HIPPO project)-study protocol of a randomised healthcare policy trial.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Patrycja Glinska; Katarzyna Komerska; Beata Janik; Julia Olkowicz; Ilona Jedrzejewska; Anna Macios; Paulina Wieszczy; Michal F Kaminski; M. Arbyn; Nowakowski, Andrzej Source: BMC Cancer, Volume 2 ...

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