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Résultats de la recherche - 283 results
Trends in social inequalities in obesity: Belgium, 1997 to 2004.
METHODS: We used data from three national cross-sectional health interview surveys (1997 n=7953, 2001 n=8887, and 2004 n=9709) to estimate age-standardized obesity prevalence and a series of summary measures ...
Establishment of Replacement Batches for Prekallikrein Activator in Albumin Biological Reference Preparation
healthcare Human International International Standard IS Laboratories Medicine medicines method ON organization ph Prekallikrein activator,albumin,biological standardisation,collaborative study,European ...
Brucella suis identification and biovar typing by real-time PCR.
pathogenic for humans while others are not. Since classical biovar typing methods are often time-consuming, hard to standardize and require high-level biosafety containment, methodological improvements are ...
A Bayesian evaluation of six diagnostic tests for foot-and-mouth disease for vaccinated and non-vaccinated cattle.
unknown, a Bayesian analysis employing a latent class model was used that did not rely on the use of a reference test or gold standard. Prior information about prevalence for subsets of the data and ...
Indirect foot-and-mouth disease vaccine potency testing based on a serological alternative.
the pooling of data over time. The present study addresses these issues and presents data of 150 cattle vaccinated according to Ph.Eur. standards. Four laboratories took part in the serological testing ...
Fourth WHO-coordinated survey of human milk for persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Belgian results
public health Public-health r region regional REGISTRIES Registry report Research Residue result results REVIEW risk risks S SAFETY Sample Samples series serum Service Services situation STANDARDIZATION ...
Pooled analysis of the accuracy of five cervical cancer screening tests assessed in eleven studies in Africa and India.
measures, since a certain degree of gold standard misclassification cannot be excluded. Because of the correlation between visual screening tests and colposcopy and a certain degree of over-diagnosis of ...
Evidence for the presence of Legionella bacteriophages in environmental water samples.
were isolated from various fresh water environments, and preliminary characterization showed that these crude preparations infect exclusively bacteria belonging to the genus Legionella. Standard phage ...
A modified sample preparation for acrylamide determination in cocoa and coffee products
using acrylamide- D3 as internal standard. For identification and confirmation of acrylamide, relative retention time and two diagnostic ions were monitored. Good performance of the method was achieved by ...
Foot-and-mouth disease vaccine potency testing in cattle using homologous and heterologous challenge strains: precision of the "Protection against Podal Generalisation" test.
relatedness of the vaccine strain and circulating field isolate. The “Gold Standard” FMD vaccine potency test is the in vivo test performed in the target species. The objective of the study was to determine the ...