Résultats de la recherche - 34 results

Scientific opinion on emerging and novel brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in food

p.2908- (125pp) (2012) Keywords: additional ALL an AS behaviour CONSUMPTION data Emerging brominated flame retardants,novel brominated flame retardants,BFRs,occurrence,food,toxicology,human exposure,risk ...

Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) on Evaluation of the toxicological relevance of pesticide metabolites for dietary risk assessment

ActivityRelationship,(Q)SAR,read-across,stereoisomer,Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) Pesticides plant plant protection product PRODUCTS Ratio Residue result results risk Risk Assessment SAFETY SCREENING study threshold use VALIDATION Validation study ...

Genotoxicity of water extracts from hypoxis species

Toxicology in vitro, Lissabon, Portugal (2012) Keywords: Comet Assay cytome assay genotoxicity Hypoxis Abstract: There is a continuous search for new medication against many diseases. The main reason is that ...

Combretum microphyllum and Leucospermum erubescens inhibit the genotoxic effects of 4-NQO, MMC and EMS in vitro

Mutation ON pharmacology plant Plants prevention programme public public health Public-health Research response Reversal Role Salmonella Salmonella typhimurium Science study Test Toxicology Universities ...

Genotoxicity evaluation of two kinds of smoke-water and 3,7-dimethyl-2H-furo[2,3-c]pyran-2-one

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cécile Trinh; Gevaert, Lieven; Kohout, Ladislav; Van Staden, Johannes; Luc Verschaeve Source: Journal of Applied Toxicology, Volume 30, ...

Evaluation of DNA Damage Induced by Environmental Exposure to Mercury in Liza aurata Using the Comet Assay

Sónia Alexandra Leite Velho Mendo Source: Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 58, Number 122 (2010) Keywords: Comet Assay DNA Damage Liza aurata mercury Health Topics:  Health ...

Cytogenetic Biomonitoring of the Mzamza Population Exposed to Untreated Wastewaters

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Glouib, K.; Hilali, A.; Kettani, S. El; Luc Verschaeve Source: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 79, Issue 2, ...

In Vitro Genotoxicity of Settat Town Landfill Leachate, Morocco

Toxicology, Volume 60, Issue 2, Number 184 (2009) Keywords: dose-effect lymphocyte micronucleus physico-chemical properties Proliferation index toxicity Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et ...

In Vitro Genotoxicity of Wastewaters from the Town of Settat, Morocco

Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Volume 60, Issue 2, Number 296 (2009) Keywords: Boumoussa heavy metals micronuclei physicochemical profi le Proliferation index Health Topics:  Health and ...

Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: Levels, sources and contamination pathways.

Annual Meeting, NA, Issue society of environmental toxicology and chemistry, NA (2008) Keywords: Belgian Eggs Europe Flame Retardants Home-produced eggs LEVEL levels Health Topics:  Health and environment ...

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