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Résultats de la recherche - 109 results

Exophiala (Wangiella) dermatitidis and cystic fibrosis- Prevalence and risk factors36875

use of SGCA yielded identical isolation rates of E. dermatitidis as erythritol-chloramphenicol agar (ECA) Service:  Mycology and aerobiology Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie ...

New techniques of genetic modification and the GMO definition

result SBB series Technique use website work Yield Abstract: In the European Union, genetically modified organisms (GMO) and genetically modified micro-organisms (GMM) are defined respectively according to ...

Collaborative study for the standardisation of the histamine sensitizing test in mice and the CHO cell-based assay for the residual toxicity testing of acellular pertussis vaccines.1

Temperature Test TESTING tests toxicity Toxicity Tests toxin UK use vaccine vaccines Vaccines,Acellular variation variations WHO world World Health World Health Organization Yield Abstract: The European ...

Calibration of Human Coagulation Factor VII Concentrate Ph. Eur. BRP Batch 2

clotting assay, however, wereless homogenous and yielded consistently higher results (13 IU /vial ± 12 %), probably due to a higher activatedfactor VII (FVII a) content than in the current BRP (3 % as ...

Expert judgement in a risk assessment model for Salmonella spp. in pork: the performance of different weighting schemes.

p=0.13). The applied classical model provided a rational basis to use the combined distributions obtained by the item weight DM as input in the QMRA model since this DM yielded generally more informative ...

Identification of risk factors for the prevalence and persistence of Salmonella in Belgian broiler chicken flocks.

flock) for the presence of Salmonella based on multiple faecal samples per flock on a farm yielding clustered data. Generalized estimating equations, alternating logistic regression models, and ...

Use of mass spectrometry to identify clinical Fusarium isolates36831

identification were not in agreement. MALDI- TOF yielded results within 1 h, making it a valuable tool for identifying clinical Fusarium isolates at the species level. Uncommon species must now be added to the ...

Diversity and habitat specificity of free-living protozoa in commercial poultry houses.

methods yielded markedly different results: amoebic and, to a lesser degree, ciliate diversity was seriously underestimated in the DGGE analyses, while some flagellate groups were not found in the ...

Trends in social inequalities in obesity: Belgium, 1997 to 2004.

examining the time trend in social inequalities in obesity have yielded diverse results. The aim of this study is to investigate whether social inequalities in obesity have increased overtime in Belgium. ...

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