Résultats de la recherche - 44 results

Feasibility study on drug consumption rooms in Belgium

neighbouring countries; (2) conduct an in-depth analysis of the legal framework within a DCR could operate in Belgium; and (3) conduct a feasibility study with local stakeholders and PWUD from each of the five ...

Evaluation of the Cancer Plan 2008-2010: Results 2011

Cancer Plan 2008-2010: Feasibility analysis of the indicators identified for preparing the evaluation of the Cancer Plan 2008-2010 Evaluation of the Cancer Plan 2008-2010: Results 2011 Evaluation of the ...

Final report: MY DNA, EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS? Qualitative analysis of the belgian citizen forum on the use of genomic information

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Wannes Van Hoof; Chloé Mayeur Source: Sciensano, p.45 (2020) Keywords: burgerforum cancer DNA-debat Abstract: Rapid advances in personalized medicine and genomic tec ...

IPAAC Rapport WP4: Cancer control policy interview survey

inductively coded using NV ivo qualitative analysis software to provide the core data for this report (https://www.ipaac.eu/res/file/outputs/wp4/ipaac_wp4_ccpis_methodological …). Two important and consistent ...

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