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Résultats de la recherche - 529 results

On smoothing time series with low average counts

ofsummary statistics such as AIC and PACF. Methodological studies have used simulations to compare selection methods and their impact on largescale multi-city analyses and concluded that aggressive smoothing ...

Urease activity represents an alternative pathway for Mycobacterium tuberculosis nitrogen metabolism31064

Mtb in macrophage as evidenced by comparable growth profiles for the mutant, wild type (WT) and complemented strains. In contrast, the urease-deficient mutant exhibited impaired in vitro growth compared ...

Concordance between European and US case definitions of healthcare-associated infections

showed an excellent concordance between US and European definitions of PN and primary BSI. PN and primary BSI rates of countries using either US or European definitions can be compared if the points ...

Modelling aluminium leaching into food from different foodware materials with multi-level factorial design of experiments.

compared to the other four studied parameters. Therefore, predictive, exponential quadratic regression models were established with x₁-x₄. Cross-validation and a set of independent experiments in real food ...

Comparative evaluation of live marker vaccine candidates "CP7_E2alf" and "flc11" along with C-strain "Riems" after oral vaccination.

candidates the chimeric pestiviruses “ CP7_E2alf” and “flc11” were identified. Within an international research project, these candidates were comparatively tested in challenge experiments after a single oral ...

Lead migration from ceramicware in contact with foodstuff: effect of glaze, temperature, pH and food simulant

set of experiments where three food simulants were compared, it appeared that acetic acid, citric acid, and malicacid have the same leaching capacity above pH 3, but at pH < 3, citric acid appears to ...

Processing factors of several pesticides and degradation products in carrots by household and industrial processing

process, peeling, results in a reduction comparable to washing. The blanching step, combining heat with a large quantity of water, enhanced the elimination of residues (maximum 50%). After cutting and ...

The community impact of the 2009 influenza pandemic in the WHO European region: a comparison with historical seasonal data from 28 countries288

Comparative Study comparing Comparison consultation Countries data electronic epidemiology Europe European Features Female Geographic Group health health services Health Services Research Health-services Help ...

Inégalités sociales en espérance de vie sans incapacité par région en Belgique

comparer les inégalités socio-économiques en matière d’espérances de vie sans incapacité (EVSI) entre les trois régions belges.MéthodologieL’estimation des EVSI par statut socio-économique (SSE) nécessite ...

Social inequalities in Healthy Life Expectancy: alternative methods of estimation in the absence of the national census

the last 6 months, have you been limited because of a health problem in activities people usually do?”. ResultsMortality rates by SES were comparable in the HIS and the SILC, but the disability rates by ...

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